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至尊木虫 (著名写手)

[资源] 重磅物理书籍第七帖!费曼物理学讲义The Feynman Lectures on Physics,Vol. II 完整版

书名:The Feynman Lectures on Physics, Vol. II: Mainly Electromagnetism and Matter
作者:Richard P. Feynman, Robert B. Leighton, Matthew Sands
1. Electromagnetism
2. Differential calculus of vector fields
3. Vector integral calculus
4. Electrostatics
5. Application of Gauss' law
6. The electric field in various circumstances
7. The electric field in various circumstances (continued)
8. Electrostatic energy
9. Electricity in the atmosphere
10. Dielectrics
11. Inside dielectrics
12. Electrostatic analogs
13. Magnetostatics
14. The magnetic field in various situations
15. The vector potential
16. Induced currents
17. The laws of induction
18. The Maxwell equations
19. Principle of least action
20. Solutions of Maxwell's equations in free space
21. Solutions of Maxwell's equations with currents and charges
22. AC circuits
23. Cavity resonators
24. Waveguides
25. Electrodynamics in relativistic notation
26. Lorentz transformations of the fields
27. Field energy and field momentum
28. Electromagnetic mass (ref. to Wheeler–Feynman absorber theory)
29. The motion of charges in electric and magnetic fields
30. The internal geometry of crystals
31. Tensors
32. Refractive index of dense materials
33. Reflection from surfaces
34. The magnetism of matter
35. Paramagnetism and magnetic resonance
36. Ferromagnetism
37. Magnetic materials
38. Elasticity
39. Elastic materials
40. The flow of dry water
41. The flow of wet water
42. Curved space重磅物理书籍第七帖!费曼物理学讲义The Feynman Lectures on Physics,Vol. II 完整版

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粒子宇宙生命 专业文件-物理卷 物理化学 理论物理学专著
物理学集 物理 tools NO.2 物理化学电子书

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