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[×ÊÔ´] [2015ÐÂÒ©Ñз¢ÐÂÊé·¢²¼] Basic Principles of Drug Discovery and Development

ͼÊéÃû³Æ£ºBasic Principles of Drug Discovery and Development
ͼÊé×÷ÕߣºBenjamin Blass
³ö°æÉ磺   Academic Press
³ö°æÈÕÆÚ£ºMay 11, 2015
ͼÊéÒ³Êý£º580 pages
ISBN-13: 978-0124115088
[2015ÐÂÒ©Ñз¢ÐÂÊé·¢²¼] Basic Principles of Drug Discovery and Development
Basic Principles of Drug Discovery and Development presents the multifaceted process of identifying a new drug in the modern era, providing comprehensive explanations of enabling technologies such as high throughput screening, structure based drug design, molecular modeling, pharmaceutical profiling, and translational medicine, all areas that have become critical steps in the successful development of marketable therapeutics.
The text introduces the fundamental principles of drug discovery and development, also discussing important drug targets by class, in vitro screening methods, medicinal chemistry strategies in drug design, principles in pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics, animal models of disease states, clinical trial basics, and selected business aspects of the drug discovery process. It is designed to enable new scientists to rapidly understand the key fundamentals of drug discovery, including pharmacokinetics, toxicology, and intellectual property."
Provides a clear explanation of how the pharmaceutical industry works
Explains the complete drug discovery process, from obtaining a lead, to testing the bioactivity, to producing the drug, and protecting the intellectual propertyIdeal for anyone interested in learning about the drug discovery process and those contemplating careers in the industry
Explains the transition process from academia or other industries
Chapter 1 - Drug Discovery and Development: An Overview of Modern Methods and Principles, Pages 1-34
Chapter 2 - The Drug Discovery Process: From Ancient Times to the Present Day, Pages 35-86
Chapter 3 - Classical Targets in Drug Discovery, Pages 87-142
Chapter 4 - In vitro Screening Systems, Pages 143-202
Chapter 5 - Medicinal Chemistry, Pages 203-243
Chapter 6 - In vitro ADME and In vivo Pharmacokinetics, Pages 245-306
Chapter 7 - Animal Models of Disease States, Pages 307-343
Chapter 8 - Safety and Toxicology, Pages 345-381
Chapter 9 - Basics of Clinical Trials, Pages 383-413
Chapter 10 - Translational Medicine and Biomarkers, Pages 415-446
Chapter 11 - Organizational Considerations and Trends in the Pharmaceutical Industry, Pages 447-469
Chapter 12 - Intellectual Property and Patents in Drug Discovery, Pages 471-498
Chapter 13 - Case Studies in Drug Discovery, Pages 499-529
Answers to Questions in Textbook by Chapter, Pages 531-555

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  • ¸½¼þ 1 : Basic_Principles_of_Drug_Discovery_and_Development.pdf
  • 2015-06-02 09:16:51, 19.07 M

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