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木虫之王 (知名作家)

[资源] 2015年新著——光子晶体(英文版)

"Photonic Crystals" ed. by Alireza Bananej
InTAvE | 2015 | ISBN: 9535121219 9789535121213 | 178 pages | PDF | 14 MB

This volume is dedicated to structures with alternative dielectric constant in one, two or three dimensions which are called one, two or three dimensional photonic crystals.

As a reason of information explosion, electronic communication networks are not sufficient for high bit rate data transmission. This problem has been solved by optical networks which caused the birth of a new area of technology, photonics.
In photonic circuits photons play the dominant role and they transfer the optical data. With the growth of the photonics technology, a new area started to grow as photonic crystals which now play an important role in designing and manufacturing compact photonic devices.
By using the properties of photonic band gap, many interesting phenomena such as slow light generation, dispersion engineering in a compact and low size device can be achieved.

1 One-Dimensional Photonic Crystals With the Superconducting Defects
2 Supercontinuum Generation With Photonic Crystal Fibers and Its Application in Nano-imaging
3 Luminescence-Spectrum Modification of White Light-Emitting Diodes by Using 3D Colloidal Photonic Crystals
4 Applications of Nano-Scale Plasmonic Structures in Design of Stub Filters — A Step Towards Realization of Plasmonic Switches
5 Equal Frequency Surface
6 Coherent Control of Stimulated Emission Inside one Dimensional Photonic Crystals — Strong Coupling Regime2015年新著——光子晶体(英文版)
InTAvE | 2015 | ISBN: 9535121219 9789535121213 | 178 pages | PDF | 14 MB

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  • 欢迎监督和反馈:小木虫仅提供交流平台,不对该内容负责。
  • 附件 1 : PhotonicCrystals.pdf
  • 2015-05-09 10:08:21, 14.05 M

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英文原版+百科资源 物理,光学 铁电压电 材料物理与化学
化工 李的收藏 待下载 结晶电子书饕餮

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