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[资源] 信息科学 大牛经典书籍《Mathematical Models and Numerical ...》

信息科学 大牛经典书籍 S01E03 《Mathematical Models and Numerical Simulation in Electromagnetism》

Combines a rigorous mathematical description of electromagnetic models with numerous examples related to real engineering applications
Includes a chapter devoted to nonlinear magnetics, paying particular attention to hysteresis and the mathematical description of the Preisach model
The weak formulations introduced for each mathematical model have been chosen among the most suitable to perform computer simulation of electromagnetic processes

The book represents a basic support for a master course in electromagnetism oriented to numerical simulation. The main goal of the book is that the reader knows the boundary-value problems of partial differential equations that should be solved in order to perform computer simulation of electromagnetic processes. Moreover it includes a part devoted to electric circuit theory  based on ordinary differential equations. The book is mainly oriented to electric engineering applications, going from the general to the specific, namely, from the full Maxwell’s equations to the particular cases of electrostatics, direct current, magnetostatics and eddy currents models. Apart from standard exercises related to analytical calculus, the book includes some others oriented to real-life applications solved with MaxFEM free simulation software.
Content Level » Graduate

Keywords » Maxwell's equations - electromagnetism - linear circuits - nonlinear magnetic and hysteresis - numerical simulation

Related subjects » Computational Science & Engineering - Electronics & Electrical Engineering - Materials信息科学 大牛经典书籍《Mathematical Models and Numerical ...》

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