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[求助] 投稿Corrosion Science被拒,求大牛给分析~~已有1人参与

论文写得有些长,工作做得比较系统,但字数比较多,有万多字吧(感觉有些多),主要是研究激光快速成型高强钢的腐蚀机理的,修改N次后,首次投稿。投稿后首先被技术审查退回要求改格式,主要是改语言,按要求改后EES投给Corrosion Science编辑部,然后就是漫长的等待,等了2个月一直处于submitted to journal, 实在憋不住了给EES发信问
Dear editor
It has been two months that my manuscript has been delivered into the EES. The current states of this manuscript is still keeping in "submitted to Journal". In common, the state of paper will go on the next step, such as under review, no more than 1 month. Therefore, I suspect whether my paper is neglected by some unknown reasons? Or, is it in sequence due to lots of manuscripts? Could you make sure the state of my paper?
I am sincerely waiting for your response~

EES reply(December 7,2013):
Thank you for your email and please accept my apologies for the inconvenience this delay may have caused you.

I have contacted the Editorial Office of the journal "Corrosion Science" to follow up on the status of your paper

As soon as I have more information, I will be sending you an update via email.

当天Corrosion Science状态更新,主编直接给completely reject, 下面是原文:

I regret to inform you that the English in this paper is so poor, that mammy parts are impossible to understand, and the paper is impossible to review.

Because this is already supposed to have been corrected for language errors, I must take the decision to reject it.

This journal requires a standard of English that is intelligible for the readers, including reviewers and editors, and should in fact, be correct English.  Papers which are submitted in such poor English cannot be edited, and they must be rejected.

Thank you for giving us the opportunity to consider your work.

Yours sincerely,

G.T. Burstein
Corrosion Science

我想问下有相关经验的前辈,该拒稿除了语言原因,跟内容有直接关系吗? 1,肯定语言达不到要求,且内容压根就没看直接Reject;2,语言达不到要求,内容也欠妥,Reject;3,语言有瑕疵,加上催信的态度,直接给Reject让我反省。

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2楼2013-12-09 16:02:58
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