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铜虫 (正式写手)

[求助] 第一封陶瓷信·1min前发出去了,好紧张好紧张


Dear Professor PW,

It is of great honor for me to contact you for the application of a PhD position in your prestigious group.

I am JN Y, a master student majored in xxxxxxxxxxxx at xx University (expected July 2014), which is ranked around xxxth in China.

I am very interested in working with you (through China Scholarship Council funding if possible), so I am writing this email to you.

The research topics your group is deal with are indeed exciting and meaningful, and what especially interests me is the research done on the implementation of xxxxxxx on xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx as shown in your recent publications. This matches some of my experiences of xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx elucidated in the short description below.

My research experiences mainly revolved around xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx,  ranging from xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx to xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx etc.

Besides, I have some output for my research. I have 3 publications in the international journals with my major contribution, including xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (published), xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (just accepted),xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (published). And I have also coauthored 2 other articles (xxxxxxxxxxxxx and xxxxxxxxxxx for my facilitation role in the research.

Although there does exist certain discrepancy of my experiences and your research topics, I think my diverse researching background and enduring self-motivation renders me the capability of generating good researching results in your group with your supervision.

Enclosed are my curriculum vitae with other important information covered.
And please do not hesitate to contact me if further information is needed.  

Thank you very much for your considerate attention to my email.
I am very keen to get your kind reply and get the chance of working in your group.

My Best Regards,
School ofxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
xxxxxxxxxxxxxx University, China
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银虫 (小有名气)

53楼: Originally posted by Ryan2011 at 2013-11-24 08:31:38


54楼2013-11-24 12:18:31
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查看全部 57 个回答


银虫 (初入文坛)


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Ryan2011: 金币+1, 有帮助, 谢谢交流~ 2013-11-18 19:41:32
B4-449: 金币+5 2013-11-19 04:06:51
1、 ... your group is deal with ... 应该是dealing with.
2、 开头用honor感觉有点太客气了,呵呵, 要是我可能会说pleasant之类的。不过没啥大事,礼多人不怪。
2楼2013-11-18 19:24:59
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铜虫 (正式写手)

2楼: Originally posted by hank010 at 2013-11-18 19:24:59
1、 ... your group is deal with ... 应该是dealing with.
2、 开头用honor感觉有点太客气了,呵呵, 要是我可能会说pleasant之类的。不过没啥大事,礼多人不怪。

3楼2013-11-18 19:40:03
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银虫 (初入文坛)

★ ★ ★ ★ ★
B4-449: 金币+5 2013-11-19 04:06:37
3楼: Originally posted by Ryan2011 at 2013-11-18 19:40:03

4楼2013-11-18 19:48:43
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