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木虫 (小有名气)

[资源] 环境水化学新著《Water Chemistry》Brezonik P L已有4人参与

环境水化学新著:《Water Chemistry:An Introduction to the Chemistry of Natural and Engineered Aquatic Systems》,Brezonik P L等著,Oxford University Press出版,2011年。
Publication Date: March 22, 2011 | ISBN-10: 0199730725 | ISBN-13: 978-0199730728 | Edition: 1
<完整书籍 需要请下载>
(1. 与Stumm的Aquatic Chemistry相比,本书作为教材或者入门更合适,语言浅显,而且本书有一章专门讲平衡求解,对软件VMINTEQ(免费软件,网上可下载)也有简要介绍。内容上也增加了有机污染物.
2. 师承关系:威斯康辛麦迪逊大学G Fred Lee——Brezonik P L。而Lee在哈佛攻读博士期间选修过Stumm的sanitary chemistry,也即是Aquatic chemistry的前身,由于在Lee攻读学位期间后期,其指导教授Morris在埃及休假,Lee最后一年也跟Stumm开展了有关铁离子氧化的水化学研究工作。Lee毕业后在威斯康辛大学建立了首个water chemistry的研究生培养方向)
This book provides students with the tools necessary to understand the processes that control the chemical species present in waters of both natural and engineered systems. After providing basic information about water itself and the chemical composition of water in environmental systems, the text covers the necessary theory (thermodynamics, activity, and kinetics) and background material to solve problems. It emphasizes that both equilibrium and kinetic processes are important in aquatic systems. The book does not merely focus on inorganic constituents, but also on the fate and reactions of organic chemicals. The solving of quantitative equilibrium and kinetic problems using mathematical, graphical, and computational tools is emphasized throughout presentations on acid-base chemistry, complexation of metal ions, solubility of minerals, and oxidation-reduction reactions. The use of these problem-solving tools is then extended in the presentation of topics relevant to natural systems, including dissolved oxygen, nutrient chemistry, geochemical controls on chemical composition, photochemistry, and natural organic matter. The kinetics and equilibria relevant to engineered systems (e.g. , chlorination and disinfection chemistry, sorption and surface chemistry) and organic contaminant chemistry are also discussed. Numerous in-chapter examples that show the application of theory and demonstrate how problems are solved using algebraic, graphical, and computer-based techniques are included. Examples are relevant to both natural waters and engineered systems.[ Last edited by yanxmin on 2013-9-14 at 13:26 ]

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  • 2013-09-09 19:13:49, 4.63 M

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