请问一下:“Tables should be numbered consecutively with Arabic numerals in order of appearance in the text. Type each table double-spaced on a separate page with a short descriptive title typed directly above and with essential footnotes below. Figures
It is the author's responsibility to provide artwork for all illustrations, both line and halftone. Figures must be restricted to the minimum and numbered consecutively with Arabic numerals. Multipanel figures should be labeled with an upper-case, bold letter (A, B, C). Photomicrographs should have internal scale markers. Lettering should be clear and of adequate size to be legible after reduction. Consider the printed page and column proportions when preparing figures.“ 还有”Items should be provided in the following order: Title page, Abstract, Introduction, Materials and Methods, Results, Discussion, Acknowledgments, References, Figure legends, Figures, and Tables. Each figure and table file should be uploaded individually.“
我想请问一下这段话说了表和图要放在正文中,还是放在结尾啊? 表格和图单独上传是什么意思啊?求大师们指教! |