Dear Dr. **,
Regarding the proof of your article JBIOSC960 (JBIOSC-D-12-00243), we
found that the text must be checked by a professional editing service
before publication, because the text includes a number of grammatical
and typographical errors and its language quality does not meet the
journal standard. It seems that the author did not make a careful
language check, although reviewers have pointed out the weakness in
language quality during the review process.
Before sending back your author correction to Elsevier, please consult a
professional language editing service. The following services are
Elsevier's partner (please note that SBJ does not guarantee the quality
of each service).
Elsevier Language Services
American Journal Experts
After being checked by the editing service, please send your author
proof including all your author corrections and language corrections to
the handling editor Prof. *** and the
Journal Office (jbb@sbj.or.jp with) with a certificate from the editing
service. You may send your author correction to Elsevier after getting
approval of Prof. *and the Journal Office.
I will copy my email to Prof. * and our editor-in-chief Prof. Masahiro
Takagi. We kindly ask you for your understanding and for your
cooperation in keeping journal quality.
Best regards,
Hisako Kikui
Journal of Bioscience and Bioengineering
Editorial Office
P.S. I am out of office from July 6 to 18. Please contact
jbb@sbj.or.jp if you have any question during my absence.
-------- Original Message --------
Subject: Editor proof of [JBIOSC_960]
Date: Tue, 26 Jun 2012 15:01:35 +0530
From: corrections.essd@elsevier.tnq.co.in
To: jbb@sbj.or.jp
Dear **,
The proof of your article, to be published in Journal of Bioscience and
Bioengineering, is now available online for you via
Please read and follow the instructions given there.
Please use this proof only for checking the typesetting, editing,
completeness and correctness of the text, tables and figures. To assist
you with this, copy-editing changes have been highlighted in red with
the original text in a pop-up box.
To ensure fast publication of your paper please return your corrections
within 48 hours.
Note that once your corrections have been received, your article is
finalized and any further correction is no longer possible.
Yours sincerely,
是不是校稿前一定要有 a certificate from the editing service,得到编辑认可才能校稿啊?
editing service 好贵的说,不知大家有没有碰到过这么个情况,这个费用大家都怎么处理呢? |