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铁虫 (小有名气)

CV has been sent. Looking forward your reply!
11楼2013-07-04 18:29:05
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金虫 (初入文坛)

Dr. wei, I just wonder if I could applicate as a visiting graduate student. I am already a PhD student in a domestic university for the first year(a State disciplines platform 985 college), and now I'm focous on biodegradation. looking forward to your reply.
12楼2013-07-12 20:13:44
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新虫 (初入文坛)

12楼: Originally posted by candice1009 at 2013-07-12 20:13:44
Dr. wei, I just wonder if I could applicate as a visiting graduate student. I am already a PhD student in a domestic university for the first year(a State disciplines platform 985 college), and now ...

Thanks a lot for your interest. Could you please send me your CV?
13楼2013-07-12 22:37:28
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铁虫 (初入文坛)

10楼: Originally posted by yufei3 at 2013-07-04 01:07:14
Thank you for your timely reply.
I've already sent you my CV, and hope you could have a look at it.
Since my GRE AW section is only 3.5, while "The 'competitive' score range for the GRE quant ...

well... can there be any reply to my voice...
14楼2013-07-12 22:58:51
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新虫 (初入文坛)

10楼: Originally posted by yufei3 at 2013-07-04 01:07:14
Thank you for your timely reply.
I've already sent you my CV, and hope you could have a look at it.
Since my GRE AW section is only 3.5, while "The 'competitive' score range for the GRE quant ...

While high GRE scores can increase the competitiveness of an applicant, the decision is never made on GRE scores alone. Other things such as academic background/interests, grades, recommendation letters, etc. are all considered together.
15楼2013-07-16 06:17:53
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16楼2013-08-04 13:43:05
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木虫 (小有名气)

Professor Wei, I have sent my CV to you. I look forward to  your reply.
17楼2013-08-06 19:11:10
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