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铜虫 (小有名气)

[求助] Journal of fluids engineering审稿意见求解释谢谢

本人几天前投了一篇关于静电除尘数值模拟的文章到Journal of fluids engineering,隶属于ASME旗下的,编辑初审给了几个修改意见,让本人尽量按照他的意见修改以通过初审,但对于审稿意见中我有几点不明,现将这些意见贴出来,请有经验的同仁解释下谢谢
Thank you so much for submitting your paper for our journal to review.  The editor has taken a preliminary look at your paper to determine if there are some suggestions that can be made to ensure that your paper gets the best possible review in the first round.
Experience suggests that making these kinds of changes before asking for formal review increases the likelihood of your submission getting a more complete review in the first round. There are some adjustments that the editor recommends you take advantage of before a formal review is conducted:

1.  **********************************************************
2. There is no mention of the numerical uncertainty evaluation (grid independence check). This is required for publication, so please include these results or explain why you were unable to obtain them.
G. There is no mention of what CFD code is being used or compared in your work.  Please see the attached document for detailed descriptions on how to include this information in your manuscript.
3. Please include in your submission a more detailed justification for the use of the turbulence model that is applicable in your work.
4. ********************************************************
5. The editor would like to see you non-dimensionalize your results.  This will add archival value to your work by controlling the parameters of the problem in your work.  The idea is to catch the physics behind the problem, with more general information so that it is less specific to the problem at hand to broaden the audience your work is written for.
特别是最后一点,关于non-dimensionalize 本人一直不清楚具体意思和编辑具体要让我如何修改,请有经验的同仁帮忙解答。
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至尊木虫 (职业作家)

建议你先解决这些问题,再投,才进入peer review过程
2楼2013-02-06 09:20:32
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铜虫 (小有名气)

2楼: Originally posted by zhangcd at 2013-02-06 09:20:32
建议你先解决这些问题,再投,才进入peer review过程

不好意思,能不能给我解释下什么叫non-dimensionalize ,谢谢
3楼2013-02-06 09:26:36
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超级版主 (文学泰斗)

No gains, no pains.



感谢参与,应助指数 +1
wjl163: 金币+1 2013-02-06 09:52:42
5 The editor would like to see you non-dimensionalize your results.  
4楼2013-02-06 09:47:27
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超级版主 (文学泰斗)

No gains, no pains.



wjl163: 金币+1, 有帮助, 谢谢回答 2013-02-06 09:52:55
2. 要做网格独立检查。
G. 你使用了什么样的CFD code?是商业软件还是自己的code,要说明清楚
3. 对你论文中使用的湍流模型要详细描述
5楼2013-02-06 09:50:14
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荣誉版主 (文学泰斗)




★ ★ ★ ★ ★
感谢参与,应助指数 +1
wjl163: 金币+5, ★★★很有帮助, 谢谢 2013-02-06 17:46:57
2. There is no mention of the numerical uncertainty evaluation (grid independence check). This is required for publication, so please include these results or explain why you were unable to obtain them.


G. There is no mention of what CFD code is being used or compared in your work.  Please see the attached document for detailed descriptions on how to include this information in your manuscript.


3. Please include in your submission a more detailed justification for the use of the turbulence model that is applicable in your work.


5. The editor would like to see you non-dimensionalize your results.  This will add archival value to your work by controlling the parameters of the problem in your work.  The idea is to catch the physics behind the problem, with more general information so that it is less specific to the problem at hand to broaden the audience your work is written for.

6楼2013-02-06 10:41:04
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金虫 (职业作家)




7楼2013-05-04 03:13:12
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