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木虫 (著名写手)

Life is translation

[交流] 第37期YY英语口语活动 百科资源~已有2人参与

第37期YY英语口语活动 百科资源~


Spring festival couplets: always written on red paper in black or golden ink, it indicates happiness and good luck.
New Year lucky money: usually given to children, wrapped in red envelop.
压岁钱: 经常是给小孩子,通常是红包的形式。
Sweets & candies: represents sweet life and usually served to guests during the holiday.
New Year paintings: We need to put up New Year paintings, fu (lucky) character and lucky couplets.
年画: 新年要张贴年画,福字,对联等,这些都是年货必备的。
New clothes: a new year, a new look. People wear new clothes on the first day of the lunar New Year because this is the new start, everything is brand new.
新衣服: 新年第一天,人们穿上新衣服,新年新气象,一切都是全新的。
Kitchen God worshipping: It is a very influential custom in China. Almost all households set a sacred position in the kitchen for the kitchen god, who is said to be in charge of the kitchens under heaven according to legends. Usually this marks the beginning of the Spring Festival.
祭灶: 非常有影响力的中国习俗。几乎家家户户都会设立灶神位,据说灶神掌管天下灶事。农历新年通常是从祭灶开始的。

On December 24th of the lunar year, the custom of cleaning the house enjoys a long history. Because in Chinese, chen(尘-dirt) sounds like chen (陈-old), so cleaning the house actually can indicate sweeping the old and embracing the new.
二十四“扫尘”的习俗也由来已久。因为 “尘”寓意“陈”,所以清扫房屋意味着除旧迎新。

December 25th of the lunar year is the day when the Jade Emperor (Emperor of Heaven) descends to the under heaven world in person. He will inspect the virtuous and vicious deed of human and distribute happiness and disasters accordingly. So people behave and speak carefully on this particular day to please the Emperor of Heaven and pray for happiness in the coming year.
On this day, people also put up paper-cut decorations and stick the good fortune character fu on the windows and couplets are also necessary.

On 26th, people will begin to prepare the New Year stock. In many rural areas, there are large-scale bazaars. People buy all kinds of purchases as gifts when they visit friends and relatives. People buy all kinds of goods include cigarette, wine, fish, meat, firecracker and other presents. The strong New Year smack greets you.

The night before New Year’s Eve, people visit each other to say goodbye to an old year and burn the incense for three days outside the room.
Chinese“Chu xi”means the end of the days and beginning of a new year. All the activities on this eve surround one main topic, that is farewell to the past and welcome the new and pray for happiness.

贴门神  Putting up the God of Gate
This is a nationwide custom. In ancient legends, Shentu and Yulei are in charge of the devils. They guard the gate so devils dare not entre. After Tang Dynasty, brave Qin Qiong and Yuchi Jingde also became popular. Some people also put up pictures of Guan Yu and Zhang Fei as the gods of gate. The pictures are put on the gate, one side each. Now we usually choose a pair of gods, of which one is military and the other civil.

贴春联 Putting up couplets
Sticking fu character, paper-cut window decorations and New Year paintings

They all pray for happiness and good luck. New Year painting is an ancient folk art of China, which originates from the pictures of god of the gate. Now the New Year painting generates more colors and themes, such as “lucky, wealthy and longevity painting”, “happiness from heaven”, “harvest, all thriving of domestic animals”, “embracing spring and happiness” and so on. There are three important production areas and different schools of New Year paintings in Chuia that is Taohuawu in Suzhou, Yangliuqing in Tianjin and Weifang in Shandong.

New Year’s visit
It is an important activity during the spring festival. Visiting friends and relatives is called paying New Year’s call or visit. People can pay visits from the 1st to 15th of lunar January.

Holiday purchases(special purchases) for the Spring Festival 年货
Couplets   春联
Lucky money   压岁钱
Jade Emperor (God of Heaven)  玉皇大帝
Kitchen God Worshipping   祭灶
smack [smæk] n. 气息;气味;滋味

每周星期六  19:00--22:30


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Life is translation; there's always a way to turn it around.
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木虫 (著名写手)


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