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【奖励】 本帖被评价12次,作者relic增加金币 8.4


木虫 (正式写手)

[资源] 精品:2500本 五星级 英文电子书(磁力链接 MOBI格式 3.39GB)

These are the books from the Kindle Library that were rated five stars.
I have gone through and opened each ebook and rated the quality. These are the books that are retail or close to retail (indistinguishable) and included in both libraries.
Many Demonoid members have requested a separate of just the highest quality books, so here it is.
Things you should know before downloading this as opposed to downloading the library:
It will take longer to add books to Calibre since each book has to be added individually. As opposed to the "switch library" option which will load much quicker.
Books will be missing from series because not all books have been released as retail.
Depending on how popular this type of is I will more then likely keep working on the existing libraries and will not continue these type of uploads. I won't guarantee everything will be perfect but I have done my best to sort and separate the good from the bad.
Also, if you haven't done so please download Calibre. It's free and allows you to convert and send books to pretty much any e-reader.


[ Last edited by relic on 2013-1-19 at 22:52 ]
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新虫 (小有名气)

★★★★★ 五星级,优秀推荐

6楼2013-03-27 01:06:34
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