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木虫 (正式写手)


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看下这个期刊的author guidelines里面或许会有你需要的!
2楼2013-01-03 16:53:00
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超级版主 (文学泰斗)

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如果acs的期刊有通用模板,那么就是通用模板 + 这段
Letters. Short reports of original research focused on an individual significant finding ≤5 printed pages long. Letters begin with an unreferenced abstract of ~150 words. Abstracts should not contain abbreviations or acronyms unless essential. Letters include unheaded sections for the Introduction and combined Results and Discussion. Letters include a headed section for Methods that can also contain subsections. Letters should contain ≤4 display items (figures/tables/schemes) and ~30 references. Letters should include sufficient experimental detail to allow others to reproduce the findings presented. Supporting Information is encouraged. Letters must be <4000 words in length, including the abstract, body text, methods, references and figure/scheme legends. Letters include a graphical Table of Contents entry.
3楼2013-01-03 16:58:21
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禁虫 (小有名气)


4楼2013-01-03 17:33:51
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至尊木虫 (知名作家)


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看下这个期刊的author guidelines
5楼2013-01-03 19:15:55
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