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[资源] Nature Materials最新研究文章:用于先进锂电池的纳米结构高能电极材料

最新一期的Nature Materials刊发了韩国和美国科学家合作发表的最新研究文章,介绍了镍基高能电极材料在锂电池中的应用。研究锂电正极材料的朋友可以读一下。附件为正文和Supporting Information。

Nickel-rich layered lithium transition-metal oxides, LiNi1−xMxO2 (M = transition metal), have been under intense investigation as high-energy cathode materials for rechargeable lithium batteries because of their high specific capacity and relatively low cost. However, the commercial deployment of nickel-rich oxides has been severely hindered by their intrinsic poor thermal stability at the fully charged state and insufficient cycle life, especially at elevated temperatures. Here, we report a nickel-rich lithium transition-metal oxide with a very high capacity (215 mA h g−1), where the nickel concentration decreases linearly whereas the manganese concentration increases linearly from the centre to the outer layer of each particle. Using this nano-functional full-gradient approach, we are able to harness the high energy density of the nickel-rich core and the high thermal stability and long life of the manganese-rich outer layers. Moreover, the micrometre-size secondary particles of this cathode material are composed of aligned needle-like nanosize primary particles, resulting in a high rate capability. The experimental results suggest that this nano-functional full-gradient cathode material is promising for applications that require high energy, long calendar life and excellent abuse tolerance such as electric vehicles.






[ 来自科研家族 材料家族 ]

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电化学-电池材料 纳米技术与能源及模拟 锂电资源共享 先进材料
万卷阁 nano physics&chem 纳米化学/电化学综述 电化学电源、电源管理
能源_新材料 锂离子电池正极材料 科技 锂电
nano review 新技术 锂离子电池材料和工艺 扣式l锂离子电池
锂电池 锂电相关资料 锂电池-三元材料NCM 石墨烯锂电池
钠离子电池及先进材料 Li Battery 新能源 纳米催化
锂电池相关 电化学 海外留学经验及留学办理等相关事宜的收录 锂空气电池的研究
方法 专业技术 专业 杂七杂八
各种热门杂 电化学 锂电池-z056 学习型管理

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★★★★★ 五星级,优秀推荐


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