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木虫 (著名写手)

10楼: Originally posted by xbcs1985 at 2012-08-20 08:55:05

11楼2012-08-20 09:07:05
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金虫 (小有名气)

小木虫: 金币+0.5, 给个红包,谢谢回帖
12楼2012-08-20 09:13:54
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专家顾问 (知名作家)

13楼2012-08-20 10:08:36
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铁杆木虫 (著名写手)

14楼2012-08-21 10:49:19
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专家顾问 (著名写手)

sally208: 回帖置顶 2012-08-23 15:18:51
FAQs for the division of Journal of Materials Chemistry into three

16 Aug 2012

By Liz Davies, Editor.

We have recently announced that Journal of Materials Chemistry will be divided into three separate journals. Here we have answered some questions about the division. Please contact us if you have any further questions (see below for contact details).

Q: What do you mean by division, will these just be three sections of one journal?
A: No, these will be three separate journals with separate reviewing processes, Editorial Boards, indexing in databases and impact factors. However, there will be an over-arching Executive Board which will ensure consistency and a uniform approach to the development of each journal. The journals will also be closely linked in terms of expectations of quality and author/readership base. The same Editorial team in the RSC Office will work on all three journals, and ensure a consistent and transparent customer service to authors and readers, and good communication between the Editorial Boards.

Q: When will the division occur?
A: Journal of Materials Chemistry will continue to be published to the end of this year (2012), the last issue will be issue 48. The first issue of the new journals will be published as issue 1, 2013. Papers accepted for publication in the new journals before 2013 will be published on-line prior to this as Advanced articles. We foresee the usual length of time between acceptance of articles and their publication in an issue.

Q: Why is Journal of Materials Chemistry dividing?
A: The quality and quantity of papers in Journal of Materials Chemistry have been growing every year, as has the materials research field in general. We envision that forming three journals instead of one will allow us to enhance each journal’s scope to be more relevant for each research community, whilst maintaining the broad readership of the Journal of Materials Chemistry family.The scopes of the three new journals will grow into different interdisciplinary areas in line with the current nature of materials research. Each journal will be represented by its own Editorial and Advisory Boards, allowing for a greater insight into the community’s needs.

By dividing Journal of Materials Chemistry in this way, each article will become more prominent in the published issues, providing greater visibility for authors. The three new journals represent three broad and inclusive areas of materials research. Applications related to these three areas embody the future of materials research, and signify the importance of materials in addressing the challenges faced by today’s society.

Q: My paper is currently under review for Journal of Materials Chemistry, what will happen?
A: The majority of papers that have been submitted to Journal of Materials Chemistry, before August 20th 2012 and are accepted for publication should be published in a 2012 issue of Journal of Materials Chemistry. In cases where this is not possible, we will contact you regarding the transfer of your article to one of the three new journals.

On August 20th 2012, Journal of Materials Chemistry will close for submissions and the three new journals will open.

Q: I am unsure of which new journal to submit to – my paper could fit into more than one of the new journals
A: It is expected, due to the interdisciplinary nature of the materials field, that some articles may fit within the scope of more than one of the new journals. In these cases, it is the author’s choice as to which journal they submit to, although we are happy to make a recommendation.

We envision that the combined scope of the three new journals will be broader than Journal of Materials Chemistry, as such, if your work was appropriate for Journal of Materials Chemistry then it will also be for one of the new journals. The scope descriptions of each journal can be found here:

Journal of Materials Chemistry A

Journal of Materials Chemistry B

Journal of Materials Chemistry C

Q: Will each journal have an Editorial Board?
A: Yes, each of the three will have an Editorial Board (led by a Deputy Editor-in-Chief) and an Advisory Board. In addition, an Executive Editorial Board, led by Editor-in-Chief Professor Dongyuan Zhao, will oversee the three journals to ensure a coherent approach. The current Editor of Journal of Materials Chemistry, Dr Liz Davies, will continue her role on the three new journals as Managing Editor. So keep an eye out for some exciting announcements about the team coming shortly!

Q: What will happen to the impact factors?
A: There will be an impact factor for either Journal of Materials Chemistry, or Journal of Materials Chemistry A, B and C, every year. The 2014 Journal Citation Reports ® will include the last impact factor for Journal of Materials Chemistry, and the first impact factors for the three new journals.

Q: I have more questions…?
A: We would be happy to answer any further queries you may have. Please get in contact by e-mailing one of the following for further information:

http://blogs.rsc.org/jm/2012/08/ ... emistry-into-three/
15楼2012-08-23 15:18:42
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金虫 (正式写手)

小木虫: 金币+0.5, 给个红包,谢谢回帖
16楼2012-09-14 20:24:42
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专家顾问 (知名作家)

小木虫: 金币+0.5, 给个红包,谢谢回帖
17楼2012-09-14 22:33:05
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金虫 (小有名气)

小木虫: 金币+0.5, 给个红包,谢谢回帖
16楼: Originally posted by woquxiada at 2012-09-14 20:24:42

There will be an impact factor for either Journal of Materials Chemistry, or Journal of Materials Chemistry A, B and C, every year.
18楼2012-09-25 08:55:32
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铁杆木虫 (知名作家)

19楼2013-04-28 17:41:37
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铁杆木虫 (正式写手)

小木虫: 金币+0.5, 给个红包,谢谢回帖
Q: What will happen to the impact factors?
A: There will be an impact factor for either Journal of Materials Chemistry, or Journal of Materials Chemistry A, B and C, every year. The 2014 Journal Citation Reports ® will include the last impact factor for Journal of Materials Chemistry, and the first impact factors for the three new journals.

2014年为JMC 的最后影响因子,为什么2013年JMC 就没有影响因子啦?
20楼2013-06-21 00:52:05
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