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[交流] Journal of Materials Chemistry becomes three——JMC2013年起也要开始分ABC了已有18人参与

估计是JMC的稿件太多,所以采取了和J Phys Chem类似的策略。仔细看看发现这三个分类的方向和Advanced Material近期推出的三个新刊很相像。
JMC-A/B/C VS Advanced Energy Materials/Advanced Healthcare Materials/Advanced Optical Materials  

Journal of Materials Chemistry becomes three
16 Aug 2012By Liz Davies, Editor.

We are delighted to announce important changes for Journal of Materials Chemistry authors and readers.

From issue 1 2013, Journal of Materials Chemistry will continue in the form of three journals, each focusing on an area of materials research, divided by the nature of the intended applications of the materials studied.

Why divide Journal of Materials Chemistry?

As the materials discipline continues to grow and diversify, our aim is to evolve Journal of Materials Chemistry into a more flexible and dynamic family of journals. The three new journals will all publish high impact research with a more interdisciplinary nature, together providing comprehensive coverage of the expanding materials field. Smaller issues will offer greater visibility for your work while retaining the high quality and impact you associate with the Journal of Materials Chemistry family.

Knowing your ABCs

Journal of Materials Chemistry A will focus on materials for energy and sustainability. The journal will publish research on all aspects of these areas, including materials for energy storage and conversion, for conservation of scarce natural resources and for sustainability and green processes.

Journal of Materials Chemistry B will cover materials for biology and medicine. This includes materials for healthcare and materials at the biointerface.

Journal of Materials Chemistry C will focus on materials for optical and electronic devices. High impact research into display technologies, optical materials, advanced electronics and materials for information storage will also be covered.

All three journals will have a dedicated Editorial Board, led by a Deputy Editor-in-Chief, ensuring a wider team devoted to the development of each area of materials research. Executive Editor-in-Chief Professor Dongyuan Zhao of Fudan University and Managing Editor Dr Liz Davies will oversee the development of the Journal of Materials Chemistry family.

When will I see a change?

From August 20th 2012, when you use the Journal of Materials Chemistry online submission service, you will need to choose whether to submit your article to Journal of Materials Chemistry A, B or C.

Watch out for the first issues of Journal Materials Chemistry A, B and C online before the end of 2012.

http://blogs.rsc.org/jm/2012/08/ ... dle\" border=\"0\">

[ 来自科研家族 纳米技术 ]

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10楼: Originally posted by xbcs1985 at 2012-08-20 08:55:05

11楼2012-08-20 09:07:05
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