*** WARNING *** CP = 12.776 TIME= 21:25:21
No constraints have been defined using the D command.
*** WARNING *** CP = 20.826 TIME= 21:42:42
Material property ALPX of material 1 of element 13535 is evaluated at a
temperature of 134.910835, which is below the supplied temperature
range. Temperature range checking terminates.
*** ERROR *** CP = 53.836 TIME= 21:43:25
There is not enough memory for the Sparse Matrix solver to proceed.
Please increase the virtual memory on your system and/or increase the
work space memory and rerun ANSYS. Alternatively, forcing the use of
the minimum out-of-core memory mode (BCSOPTION,,MINIMUM) may allow a
solution to be achieved without increasing the system memory or
decreasing the problem size. The memory currently allocated by ANSYS
= 526 MB. The memory allocation attempted = 323 MB. The largest
block of ANSYS memory available for the Sparse Matrix solver = 168 MB.