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木虫 (小有名气)

[求助] Fortran 怎么把字符串转换为表达式

比如从文件中读入这样一串字符 "100 + x*x"复制给a,"sin(x)"赋值给b,如果程序中x=0.5,怎么在程序中把这一串字符"a + b"转换为表达式100 + x*x + sin(x) ,并求出其值?

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木虫 (小有名气)

2楼: Originally posted by lurencyj at 2012-03-19 21:34:52:

3楼2012-03-19 21:38:46
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木虫 (著名写手)


感谢参与,应助指数 +1
jjdg: 金币+1, 感谢参与 2012-03-21 01:43:17
2楼2012-03-19 21:34:52
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木虫 (著名写手)


jjdg: 金币+1, 感谢参与 2012-03-21 01:43:23
The USE statement has the syntax

       USE environment-name,filename
where filename is optional, and is a character-valued expression. It causes the text of the named environment to be, in effect, placed in the program at the point where the USE statement was encountered, and the programs whose object code is in the environment to be callable from the program in which the USE statement is found, as well as (less usefully) from any other programs loaded into memory at the same time.

In some implementations, because ENVIRONMENTs are incompatible with the available linkage loading mechanisms, the filename may be compulsory the first time a USE statement referring to environments in a given file is encountered, but not in subroutines, even externally compiled subroutines, later in the source stream.
4楼2012-03-19 21:41:09
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木虫 (小有名气)

4楼: Originally posted by lurencyj at 2012-03-19 21:41:09:
The USE statement has the syntax

       USE environment-name,filename
where filename is optional, and is a character-valued expression. It causes the text of the named environment to be, in eff ...

5楼2012-03-19 21:50:35
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