★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ 御剑江湖(金币+3): EPI鼓励原创,此解答在分子模拟论坛已有,http://www.mdbbs.org/thread-215-1-1.html 2011-12-21 18:40:01 陈应广(金币+8): ★★★很有帮助 谢谢您的帮助! 2011-12-22 09:34:23 jiaoyixiong(金币+10, 模拟EPI+1): 鼓励交流 2011-12-22 14:11:05
Installation & Testing:
(1) Install the desired GROMACS distribution (v3.1.4, v3.2.1, v3.3, or v3.3.1).
(2) Download the appropriate ffamber ports (.tar.gz) with or without pdf documentation from the table below, being sure that the version number you choose matches the version of GROMACS you are using.
(3) Unzip/untar the downloaded tar.gz file.
(4) Copy aminoacids.dat and vdwradii.dat to the "top" directory in your gromacs distribution (you should see force field files there, such as ffoplsaa.*). If you plan on simulating nucleic acids, refer to the note for nucleic acids in aminoacids.dat below.
(5) Files for each force field are located in a seperate subdirectory, such as ffamber94/ for the Cornell potential. Copy the desired ffamber* files to the top directory in your gromacs distribution.
(6) Increment the number at the top of the "top/FF.dat" file by 1 for each AMBER port you'll install (so that it matches the total number of forcefields available in the "top" directory).
(7) Add lines like the following to the "top/FF.dat" file. These are used by pdb2gmx to allow you to identify the desired FF and field 1 must match the ffamber* filename prefixes, whereas the following fields can be user-defined:
ffamber94 AMBER94 Cornell protein/nucleic forcefield
ffamber99 AMBER99 Wang protein/nucleic acid forcefield
ffamber99p AMBER99p protein/nucleic forcefield
ffamber03 AMBER03 Duan protein/nucleic forcefield
(8) Locate the GMXRC in your GROMACS distribution and run `source GMXRC`.
(9) Run `pdb2gmx -H14 -f any.pdb` with any pdb to verify that these force fields are now seen by GROMACS. Working example .pdb files are available below, alongside pre-prepared gro and top files (GROMACS 3.1.4 / AMBER94) to which you can compare your resulting files.
(2).你可以编译高版本的gromacs,例如4.5,里面自带了amber力场,免去了另外安装的麻烦~ |