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木虫 (知名作家)

[求助] 60金币求助大侠看看审稿意见是什么意思

1、Was the air flow rate of the TGA changed, to show, that the drying kinetics is independent from mass transfer by film diffusion?

2、A drying model for all temperature with one set of parameters describing drying for all experiments is scientifically far more interesting (applying multi variate regression). Fitting single sets of individual model parameters for every temperature is not "state of the art".

3、Re heat of water evaporation:
If e.g. potato are dried, more energy is necessary for the evaporation of water as the literature value for the evaporation of pure water. Additional energy is required to desorb the water molecules from the potato's matrix. As lower the water content is, as bigger is the ration qreal/dvH! It could be concluded, that this effect also accounts for drying of cotton stalk.

4、10.9% water content in wet basis was measured - how does this compare to the heat to evaporate this amount of water?


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金虫 (正式写手)


chendy6822(金币+5): 2011-12-08 10:57:14
2楼2011-11-24 12:07:12
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铁杆木虫 (正式写手)


chendy6822(金币+10): 2011-12-08 10:57:33
3楼2011-11-24 13:48:32
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金虫 (正式写手)


chendy6822(金币+15): 2011-12-08 10:57:52
1、Was the air flow rate of the TGA changed, to show, that the drying kinetics is independent from mass transfer by film diffusion?


2、A drying model for all temperature with one set of parameters describing drying for all experiments is scientifically far more interesting (applying multi variate regression). Fitting single sets of individual model parameters for every temperature is not "state of the art".

所有温度的干燥模型以及一系列的参数来描述干燥实验更好。 单独的独立模型参数是不够的。

3、Re heat of water evaporation:
If e.g. potato are dried, more energy is necessary for the evaporation of water as the literature value for the evaporation of pure water. Additional energy is required to desorb the water molecules from the potato's matrix. As lower the water content is, as bigger is the ration qreal/dvH! It could be concluded, that this effect also accounts for drying of cotton stalk.


4、10.9% water content in wet basis was measured - how does this compare to the heat to evaporate this amount of water?

4楼2011-11-24 15:51:12
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木虫 (知名作家)

5楼2011-12-08 10:58:15
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新虫 (初入文坛)

6楼2012-05-11 15:59:14
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