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荣誉版主 (知名作家)



[交流] Find Myself Back

Find Myself Back

       For the frist time I stepped forward a little. A brave try for me. Just as the saying goes you never know until you try and you never try until you really try. So I tried though there is still much uncertainty. But the point is that I tried and got to know some facts. Good or bad, I tried, without regret. There is uncertainty, but the rest is destiny which can never be forced.

    I should have tried for many times, but shrunk back time and time again. I just lounge my days away without any ambition. It sounds like a negative attitude, so it does. No news, no progress, just daily routine. Boring though, never dare have a change, indulged in self-denial, self-deprecation. Encouraged,determined, but quit in the last second, for lack of courage. I just stay where I was and keep the so-call nature, which turns out to be conservative thinking, a great hindrance to happiness .

     I’ve been not myself for so many years. It pains to live in disguise. Time to find the real me back and say good bye to this false one. Go, go, go! There is nothing to fear at all!

[ Last edited by phu_grassman on 2011-8-21 at 19:22 ]
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版主 (文学泰斗)


find yourself and be a true you~~

[ Last edited by wry3300 on 2011-8-21 at 19:25 ]
2楼2011-08-21 19:22:32
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3楼2011-08-21 19:25:04
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铁杆木虫 (正式写手)


phu_grassman(金币+1): Nice to meet you. We shouldn't go back to childhood but grow mature day by day. Those childhood memories can only be savored in heart. hehe. 2011-08-21 19:35:32

You are the one of the Mass; Like your situation, we are working in the MetroP***;
We should find real us;
Back to childhood
4楼2011-08-21 19:31:55
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铁杆木虫 (知名作家)



You never know until you try and you never try until you really try.I like it. To be a brave girl.
5楼2011-08-21 19:34:33
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荣誉版主 (知名作家)



5楼: Originally posted by ailing2023 at 2011-08-21 19:34:33:
You never know until you try and you never try until you really try.I like it. To be a brave girl.

Be a brave girl.
Come on!
6楼2011-08-21 19:36:07
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铁杆木虫 (知名作家)



6楼: Originally posted by phu_grassman at 2011-08-21 19:36:07:
Be a brave girl.
Come on!

Come on!!!
7楼2011-08-21 19:37:48
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新虫 (小有名气)

★ ★
phu_grassman(金币+2): Sometimes we need to live in disguise, but there should be a balance. I suppose I'm just breaking this balance. But it can be a big surprise for me when I find myself back. Wish the surprise come to you soon. 2011-08-21 20:29:17
in fect,many people  live unhappy life with a mask.we choose to  disguise us for not facing our heart .luckily ,you are yourself .i also want to make a change for myself but lack of courage .maybe it is not the true time and i still maintain that i can give myself a surprise in the future!

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8楼2011-08-21 20:15:53
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木虫 (著名写手)

★ ★
phu_grassman(金币+2): En, what you said really makes sense. Worry can be wiped out if we're brave enough to have a try. 2011-08-21 20:31:13
i like the last sentence There is nothing to fear at all
we are always worry about the bad results of the thing we want to do,and have no brave to bigin it .but whennever you give the first step,you will find that what you worry about befor won't never happen!because you are the owner of your destenity!

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9楼2011-08-21 20:17:52
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荣誉版主 (知名作家)



8楼: Originally posted by 在路上zmx at 2011-08-21 20:15:53:
in fect,many people  live unhappy life with a mask.we choose to  disguise us for not facing our heart .luckily ,you are yourself .i also want to make a change for myself but lack of courage .maybe  ...

Sometimes we need to live in disguise, but there should be a balance. I suppose I'm just breaking this balance. But it can be a big surprise for me when I find myself back. Wish the surprise come to you soon.
10楼2011-08-21 20:29:26
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