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银虫 (小有名气)

[求助] 第一篇SCI审稿意见,请大家帮忙解读!

Dear Mr. xxx,

Your manuscript,has been reviewed. The comments are appended below. After reading the paper and the review/s, I must recommend rejecting the paper.

Both reviewers indicate that this is an interesting topic that could be considered for publication. And I agree with them. However, there are so many and so important issues that should be addressed in the manuscript, which are pointed out in detail in reviewers' reports and attachments, that a simple revision will not be enough to save it at this stage.

If you like to consider resubmitting this paper, please address all of reviewer comments in your revised paper and I can process it as a new submission. Should this be your choice, please include a response letter that shows how and where you addressed these comments as well, as it will make future review easier and faster.

I hope this does not discourage you from submitting papers to the International Journal of Coal Geology in the future.

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木虫 (正式写手)

10楼2011-04-23 20:35:32
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新虫 (职业作家)


cumtphdsunny(金币+1): 由与本人金币较少,一次奖励一个金币,分给回答问题的前十位虫友 2011-04-22 19:32:57
cumtphdsunny(金币+1): 每次奖励一个金币,分十次奖励前10位回答问题虫友 2011-04-22 19:34:49
Originally posted by cumtphdsunny at 2011-04-22 17:55:54:
Dear Mr. xxx,

Your manuscript,has been reviewed. The comments are appended below. After reading the paper and the review/s, I must recommend rejecting the paper.

Both reviewers indicate th ...


需要大量的修改, 编辑觉得要花很长时间
2楼2011-04-22 18:01:10
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禁虫 (知名作家)


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3楼2011-04-22 18:10:04
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金虫 (正式写手)


cumtphdsunny(金币+8): 每次奖励一个金币,分十次奖励前10位回答问题虫友 2011-04-22 19:35:59
4楼2011-04-22 18:13:02
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