Thank you for submitting your work to Tetrahedron Letters. Before we pass on manuscripts to the Journal Editor, who is responsible for the scientific assessment, we perform an initial check against formal technical criteria (structure of submission, adherence to the Guide for Authors and English language usage).
We regret to inform you that your manuscript does not meet the journal's required standard. Please make changes/corrections as detailed in the comments below.
When you resubmit your manuscript, please also provide a separate sheet listing your responses to the problems that were raised and upload it under the submission item 'Responses to Technical Check Results'. A sample of the "Responses" sheet can be found at: ... Technical_Check.pdf
We regret that without a completed "Responses" sheet, your manuscript will not be further processed.
Before resubmitting your manuscript, please make sure that every aspect of the manuscript is in accordance with the Guide for Authors which is available at top of screen.
PLEASE NOTE: Resubmission is not a guarantee that your submission will subsequently proceed to the peer review process, which is a decision to be made at the sole discretion of the Journal Editor.
PLEASE NOTE: The journal would like to enrich online articles by visualising and providing details of chemical structures defined as the main chemical compounds described in Tetrahedron Letters articles. For this purpose, corresponding Mol Files can be uploaded in our online submission system. Submitted Mol Files will be available for downloading from your online article on ScienceDirect. Elsevier will generate InChI keys from the Mol Files and include them in the online article, which increase the online searchability of your article (e.g., in Google). More information can be found at If you wish, you can submit Mol Files along with your submission.
Yours sincerely,
Tetrahedron Letters
1) In its current state, the level of English throughout your manuscript does not meet the journal's desired standard. There are a number of grammatical errors and instances of badly worded/constructed sentences. Please check the manuscript and refine the language carefully.
With ever-increasing standards of excellence in both research and publishing, it is in an author's best interest to make sure his/her paper is in its best possible form when submitted for publication - that includes the quality of the written English, adherence to the Guide for Authors, and the presentation of factual, accurate data.
If you have difficulty with the English language, you may consult a professional language editing service. There are numerous services available throughout the world.
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伤心!!!投过Tetrahedron Letters的高手们能不能教教我投稿细节。 |