The Sb-O partial phase diagram is based primarily on [57Hen]. The melting point of Sb2O3 is 655 癈 [30Hin]. The polymorphic transformation temperature of Sb2O3 is 570 癈 [36Bue]. [64Rog] obtained bSbO2 by heating aSbO2 at 1130 癈. According to [57Hen], liquid "Sb2O3" decomposes into SbO and O2 at 1380 癈, solid "SbO2" decomposes into Sb2O3 and O2 at 1230 癈, and solid Sb2O5 decomposes into liquid SbO2 and O2 at 525 癈, under 1 atm pressure. The eutectic point between Sb2O3 an SbO2 is at 60.1 at.% O and 650 癈 [57Hen].Extrapolation of the L/[L + SbO2] phase boundary indicates that the melting point of SbO2 under a constrained condition is 1820 ?10 癈 [57Hen].--H.O.
27Sim: A. Simon, Z. Anorg. Allg. Chem., 165, 31-40 (1927).
30Hin: W.B. Hinke, J. Am. Chem. Soc., 52, 3869-3877 (1930).
36Bue: M.J. Buerger, Am. Mineralog., 21(3), 206-207 (1936).
38Dih: K. Dihlstrom and A. Westgren, Z. Anorg. Allg. Chem., 235, 153-160 (1938) in German.
42Alm: K.E. Almin and A. Westgren, Ark. Kemi Mineral. Geol. B, 15(22), 6 p (1942).
57Hen: H. Hennig and E.J. Kohlmeyer, Z. Erzbergbau Metallh黷tenwes., 10(1), 8-15 (1957) in German.
64Rog: D. Roger and A.C. Skapski, Proc. Chem. Soc., 400-401 (1964).
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