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木虫 (著名写手)

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金虫 (正式写手)

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T-MAC3808(金币+2):Google上直接翻译的?辛苦分,能自己认真翻译吗? 2010-11-14 12:56:24
发芽土豆(金币-3):本版不提倡机器翻译 2010-11-15 08:37:15
In recent years, with the industrial and agricultural development, more and more of wastewater containing heavy metals into rivers, lakes and other water bodies, such water sediments polluted by heavy metals. Heavy metals are common pollutants of the environment and has toxic and difficult to degrade, and so easy to enrichment through the food chain, thereby endangering human health and the environment. Heavy metal deposition in the sediment, in the interference of external factors will be released into the water body, causing secondary pollution. In this paper, Xia Wan, zinc and lead heavy metals in sediment was studied to determine their physical and chemical properties, content and form there to study the release of sediment zinc and lead in the dynamics, and discusses the pH value and organic acids on Release of zinc and lead, to understand the release of heavy metals in sediment characteristics and provides the basis for developing control measures.
2楼2010-11-14 12:40:43
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金虫 (正式写手)

T-MAC3808(金币+1):Google上直接翻译的?辛苦分 2010-11-14 12:56:31
In this paper, sequential extraction analysis of heavy metals in the form, the results show that the sediment samples, zinc and lead are mainly in the form of iron and manganese oxidation state, and not the content of exchangeable ion state to 1%. Zinc content of the relationship of the form: Fe-Mn oxides> residual ≈ carbonate> organic sulfided> exchangeable ion state; lead content of the relationship of the form: ≈ residual iron and manganese oxidation state> Organic sulfided> carbonates> exchangeable ion state.
3楼2010-11-14 12:41:38
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金虫 (著名写手)

T-MAC3808(金币+30, 翻译EPI+1):翻译的很好啊,谢谢,能把剩下的翻译下吗? 2010-11-14 12:54:48
With the development of industry and agriculture in recent years, increasing wastewaters with heavy metals discharge into water bodies, such as rivers and lakes, resulting in the pollution of water sediments. Heavy metals, as one of the most common pollutants in environment, due to their toxicity, non degradability and food chain enrichment, endanger human health and the environment. Heavy metals deposited in the sediments will be released into the water bodies under the interference of external factors, causing secondary pollution. In this study, zinc and lead heavy metals in Xiawan sediments was determined by their physical and chemical properties, content and form. The dynamics release of zinc and lead in sediments, pH value and organic acids on zinc and lead release were investigated to understand the release characteristic of heavy metals in sediments, which provides a basis for developing control measures.
4楼2010-11-14 12:41:46
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金虫 (正式写手)

T-MAC3808(金币+1):Google上直接翻译的?辛苦分 2010-11-14 12:56:45
In this paper, experimental study of static flask zinc and lead, heavy metals in sediment dynamics and the release of pH, organic acids on release of zinc and lead. The results show that the exponential equation, Elovich equation and the second order kinetic equation can be used to describe sediment zinc, lead release kinetics, the size of the release of heavy metals was: KCl> KH2PO4 ≈ NaNO3. pH, organic acids on the release of heavy metals in sediment results show that: medium pH value of sediment zinc and lead have important implications release, zinc, lead emissions decreased with increasing pH value, that is acidic conditions, zinc, lead more easily released to the environment, but they are due to the different types of heavy metals and sediment while there is a big difference; three low molecular weight organic acids in the contaminated sediment on the tested zinc, lead has a free role ability of the release of zinc was: citric acid> malic acid> tartaric acid; ability of lead release was: citric acid> tartaric acid> malic acid; with the organic acid concentration, sediment zinc, lead the release of increase in volume large, and the release of capacity: zinc> lead; the same kind of organic acids on zinc, lead leaching capacity: 1 clay <2 mud.
5楼2010-11-14 12:43:03
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T-MAC3808(金币+40):第三段的,呵呵。不错,我再改改专业词就ok 2010-11-14 15:36:25
Recently, with the development of industry and agriculture, more and more wastewaters containing heavy metals was discharge into water bodies, such as rivers and lakes, polluting the bottom slit of water. Heavy metals is one sort of the most common pollutants in environment and a threat to human health and the environment due to the toxicity, non degradability and food chain enrichment. The secondary pollution could be introduced by the heavy metals depositing in the sediments and then releasing into the water bodies owning to the interference of external factors. In this study, the physi-chemical properties, content, existed forms of zinc and lead heavy metals in Xiawan silt was deternined and the corresponding dynamic release process was studied. In addition, the influence of pH value and organic acids on the release of two metals was investigated for the purpose of understanding the release mechanism and developing the related control measures.
    In the paper, the dynamic process of zinc and lead heavy metals in silts and the influence of pH value, organic acids on release of two metals were investigated by the static flask experiment. It was shown that the sediment zinc, lead release kinetics could be well described with the exponential equation, Elovich equation and the second order kinetic equation. The capbility of different salts to leach heavy metal decreases as follows, KCl> KH2PO4 ≈ NaNO3. In addition, pH value of zinc and lead exhibited important influence on the release of two metals. The decrease of pH value is advantageous to the release process. Namely, such process could be speeded under acidic conditions and is dependent on the types of heavy metals and sediments. Three organic acids with low molecular weight were utlized to leach the Zn and Pb of two silts. The ability of three acids for leaching zinc was as follows, citric acid> malic acid> tartaric acid, while the ability to leach Pb, decrease in the order, citric acid> tartaric acid> malic acid. Furthermore, with the increase of organic acid concentration, the release amount of Zn and Pb increases and the release of Zn was superior to that of Pb. In addition, with the same organic acids, the Zn and Pb metals of the 1 #silt are easier leached than those of 2 # silt.
6楼2010-11-14 14:16:13
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T-MAC3808(金币+1):大致还可以的 2010-11-14 15:36:52
7楼2010-11-14 14:20:01
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Originally posted by petrocatal at 2010-11-14 14:20:01:

9楼2010-11-26 09:52:43
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ringzhu:你这财迷 四处见你要人家多加bb 想不看见都难。。。 2010-11-30 11:13:43

10楼2010-11-27 11:16:02
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2010-11-14 14:20   回复  
2010-11-27 11:16   回复  
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