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木虫 (著名写手)

[交流] Journal of Manufacturing Science and Engineering 意见回来了!!已有17人参与

Journal of Manufacturing Science and Engineering 意见回来了!!三个专家,两个同意,意见还是不错,另外一个专家的意见极差。
Review has been completed on your paper. Based on the detailed comments of the reviewers, I am recommending to the Journal Editor that your paper be considered for publication as a Research Paper in the Journal of Manufacturing Science and Engineering pending further revision. My recommendation is: Major revisions required.

Reviewer 1:
-this paper has many grammatical and writing errors which are very distracting

-the size of the vessel for the simulations conducted is very small wrt industrial sized vessels, with only minor mentioning of scaling

-No experimental validation or testing to show that this work is valid

-Significance of the work is shallow. Not worthy of this journal.
Reviewer 2:
This manuscript presents the numerical analysis of stir casting of aluminum matrix composites using a commercial software package, ANSYS/Fluent. The flow patterns associated with various stirrer configurations, stirring speeds, and stirrer angles were analyzed and the regions and volumes of stagnant and dead zones were examined to determine the optimal process conditions and stirrer and crucible designs. Overall, the study is fairly complete and the predictions seem to be reasonable. However, there are a number of areas that need to be revised, as listed below, for purposes of clarification or completeness prior to publication.

1.     While the results were shown on the axis cross sections, the flow field should be three-dimensional because the geometry of the stirrer blades is not axis symmetrical. Please clarify if the analysis was done in three-dimensions or not. In addition, it looks like only the velocity components are on the plane of the axis cross sections. The authors should also include some prediction results on the planes (r-theta plane) that are perpendicular to the axis of the crucible.

2.     The authors stated that “From initial trials and Reynolds number examination, the k-(zeta) turbulent model and the laminar flow model were chosen to model the mixer system.” However, in the results subsequently presented, it is not clear at all which model (turbulent or laminar) they corresponded to. The authors should include the corresponding Reynolds number and model type in the tables. This will help to substantiate the remarks made by the authors corresponding to Figs. 7 (d) and (e) that state: “.. the turbulence was apparently viewed in the crucible…”

3.     Please include the criteria of stagnant and dead zones (in terms of velocity or other criterion).

4.     The stirrer angle information is missing for Figure 3 and Table 1.

5.     The following sentence (above Table 1) needs to be rewritten: “While the multi-stage stirrer yielded the relatively satisfactory flow pattern to disperse the ceramic particles in the molten matrix compared with the other two stirrer geometries.”

6.     It is not clear what criterion was used to determine that the axial velocity is large enough to suck the air from the fluid surface and cause gas entrapment.

7.     Please elaborate on why the “frictionless” (instead of “no-slip”) boundary condition was imposed on the surface of the crucible.

8.     Page 3: “…, polymerization, etc [15, 16].” should be ““…, polymerization, etc. [15, 16].”

9.     Page 8: “… without a axial suction …” should be “… without an axial suction …”
Reviewer 3:
This paper reports theoretical work on the flow behavior of fluid in a stir casting. A finite element method was used to simulate the flow pattern of fluid in a vassal during stir casting. The authors discussed the several parameters that affect the flowing patterns and particle distributions. This is an interesting paper and it is recommended for publication.






[ Last edited by hudasuhai on 2010-6-18 at 08:28 ]
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木虫 (正式写手)

2楼2010-06-17 09:13:56
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木虫 (著名写手)

3楼2010-06-17 09:21:27
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木虫 (著名写手)

Originally posted by bear1984 at 2010-06-17 09:21:27:

Paper submitted
28 Feb 10  

Associate Editor assigned
15 Mar 10

Paper review completed
16 Jun 10  

AE recommendation (Major Revisions Required)
16 Jun 10
4楼2010-06-17 09:23:09
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木虫 (著名写手)

真快啊,我一月份投的Decision Support System,现在还没有消息,哎。。。。
5楼2010-06-17 09:25:44
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木虫 (正式写手)

6楼2010-06-17 09:26:42
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铁杆木虫 (知名作家)

7楼2010-06-17 09:26:59
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木虫 (著名写手)

Originally posted by bear1984 at 2010-06-17 09:25:44:
真快啊,我一月份投的Decision Support System,现在还没有消息,哎。。。。

8楼2010-06-17 09:31:00
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铁杆木虫 (文坛精英)

9楼2010-06-17 09:34:09
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铜虫 (正式写手)

10楼2010-06-17 09:36:50
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