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铁虫 (初入文坛)

[交流] 德国科隆大学物理系Paul van Loosdrecht教授研究组招收超快光谱方向博士生

we have a PhD position (payscale: e13, tv-l, 50% ~ 75%) opening on ultrafast optical spectroscopy of organic semiconductors from april 2024 or later in the optical condensed matter science group led by prof. paul van loosdrecht at the department of physics at university of cologne, germany. the selected candidate will work within the tide research training group (https://tide.uni-koeln.de/home).

requirements :
1) the applicant should have recently obtained (or be about to obtain) a m.sc. degree (or equivalent) in physics, chemistry, materials science or other relevant fields with excellent results;

2) the applicant should have a solid background in condensed matter physics, physical chemistry and/or non-linear optics with extensive hands-on experience with ultrafast optical spectroscopy or microscopy. experience with organic/hybrid semiconductors, physical measurements at low temperature or in high magnetic field, or theoretical modeling of photophysics in organic materials will be considered as a plus;

3) the applicant should possess fluent programming skills in python, mathematica, or matlab;

4) the applicant should have strong english proficiency. a minimum toefl ibt score of 90 (with no subsection below 22) or an ielts score of 6.5 (with no subsection below 6.0) is required;

5) the applicant should demonstrate the capacity to work independently while also showcasing strong teamwork skills and effective communication abilities with colleagues from diverse scientific backgrounds.

interested applicants can find more information here and should send their applications (including cvs, letters of motivation and academic transcripts (with courses and grades)) to dr. tianyi wang (twang@ph2.uni-koeln.de). selected candidates will be invited for an informal online interview first and potentially a formal interview later.
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铁虫 (初入文坛)

2楼2024-02-22 20:29:00
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铁虫 (初入文坛)

3楼2024-02-23 22:16:58
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铁虫 (初入文坛)

4楼2024-02-26 20:19:30
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铁虫 (初入文坛)

5楼2024-02-27 22:25:25
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铁虫 (初入文坛)

6楼2024-03-07 22:16:41
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铁虫 (初入文坛)

7楼2024-03-10 21:39:06
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铁虫 (初入文坛)

8楼2024-03-14 21:08:57
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铁虫 (初入文坛)

9楼2024-03-15 21:13:19
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