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金虫 (正式写手)

[交流] 密苏里大学Xiaohua Liu 教授课题组诚聘博士后

professor liu’s lab was recently relocated to the university of missouri through mizzouforward initiative (https://provost.missouri.edu/mizzou-forward/) and has two postdoc positions available immediately. the candidate is expected to have strong background and publications in biomaterials and regenerative medicine. competitive salary based on experience will be provided.

professor liu’s lab focuses on development of biomimetic materials and strategies for tissue repair and regeneration (e.g., bone, cartilage, dentin, and soft tissues). he has published approximately 80 peer-reviewed papers in prestigious journals including nature materials, progress in polymer science, biomaterials, and advanced science. his publications can be found from google scholar https://scholar.google.com/citat ... amp;sortby=pubdate. his research has been continuously funded by nih for over a decade. professor liu’s group provides a dynamic research environment and integrates the expertise of clinicians, material scientists, bioengineers, and biologists for translation research. he has trained over 40 students/postdocs/visiting scholars, and many of them received competitive academic positions when leaving his group. if interested in this position, please send your cv to professor liu at xlz2y@missouri.edu.
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