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[交流] 布鲁塞尔自由大学(ULB)自然科学系Prof. Simone Napolitano招收博士、博士后已有2人参与

PhD职位】布鲁塞尔自由大学(ULB)自然科学系Prof. Simone Napolitano招收博士、博士后

布鲁塞尔自由大学位于比利时与欧盟的首都布鲁塞尔,是一座拥有悠久历史的著名大学。Prof. Simone Napolitano领导的Polymer and Soft Matter Dynamics 团队位于自然科学系,长期致力于高分子薄膜的结构以及分子动力学研究: “Our High-end objective is defining a new physical picture for structure and dynamics in confinement, permitting to predict and tailor the behavior of soft materials in nanometric geometries”。欢迎感兴趣的同学申请。

Applications should hold a Master degree in Material Science or Physics, i.e. Polymer Physics, Polymer Processing, Polymer Crystallization or similar field;
Applications must have an excellent level of English both on oral and writing;
Applications should have good characteristics to communicate with other colleges, scientists, and supervise batcher and mater students;

Molecular dynamics of Polymer Thin Films on interfaces;
Crystallization of Polymer thin films;

3.Lab Website: https://dynamics.ulb.be


5.Materials Submitted
Applications should include curriculum vitae, a summary of the previous work, a letter of motivation, and names and contact information of two references.

Prof. Simone Napolitano长期从事高分子物理(界面吸附、玻璃化转变、薄膜结晶、介电光谱)方向研究工作,发表文章近70篇,包括Science, Nature Communications, Physical Review Letters, Reports of Progress in Physics, ACS Central Science, ACS Macro Letters, Macromolecules 等。多次受邀在国际重要学术会议做特邀及大会报告。

7. Contacts
Please send your application to Prof. Simone Napolitano: Simone.Napolitano@ulb.be

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2楼: Originally posted by 蝶影 at 2023-05-24 18:50:10

3楼2023-06-12 14:30:06
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4楼2023-06-27 14:52:48
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5楼2023-08-01 23:20:23
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