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[交流] 德国图宾根大学分子生物学中心Eric Kemen教授课题组招收CSC博士或联培/访问学者

德国图宾根大学分子植物学中心Eric Kemen教授课题组招收CSC博士或联培/访问学者

合作导师:Prof. Dr. Eric Kemen https://orcid.org/0000-0002-7924-116X
课题组网站:https://uni-tuebingen.de/fakultaeten/mathematisch-naturwissenschaftliche-fakultaet/fachbereiche/zentren/zentrum-fuer-molekularbiologie-der-pflanzen/research/mikrobielle-interaktionen/ (可能需要VPN)

图宾根大学是德国排名前十的精英大学, 位于德国西南部的图宾根市。图宾根是世界植物学基础研究的‘重镇’之一,有马普所(Max Planck Institute for Biology Tübingen),图宾根大学分子植物学中心(ZMBP)等多个基础科研机构和初创企业。图宾根地处黑森林附近,有优美的自然风光,良好的社会治安和浓厚的学术氛围。

1.        对科研有热情,对本课题组研究方向感兴趣。
2.        植物学,微生物学或生物信息学相关专业,有分子生物学或生物信息学科研经验优先。
3.        有较好的英语能力(雅思6.5以上或托福90以上)。

Professor Eric Kemen's group at the Centre for Molecular Plant Biology (ZMBP), University of Tübingen, Germany, is looking for CSC PhD or visiting scholars

Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Eric Kemen https://orcid.org/0000-0002-7924-116X
Group website: https://uni-tuebingen.de/fakultaeten/mathematisch-naturwissenschaftliche-fakultaet/fachbereiche/zentren/zentrum-fuer-molekularbiologie-der-pflanzen/research/mikrobielle-interaktionen/ (May need VPN)

Prof. Kemen is currently the spokeperson of the Falcuty of Biology at the University of Tübingen and his group is currently focusing on microbe-microbe and microbe-plant interactions in the plant phyllosphere microbiome. Prof. Kemen has published more than 70 papers with a total of more than 5500 citations. The group is well funded, with a total of over three million euros in current research projects. The group has a inspiring atmosphere with several collaborations within and outside the group.
The University of Tübingen is one of the top ten universities in Germany and is located in the city of Tübingen in the southwest of Germany. Tübingen is one of the world's 'powerhouses' for basic plant research, with a number of research institutes and start-ups such as the Max Planck Institute for Biology Tübingen and the ZMBP (Centre for Molecular Plant Biology) of the University of Tübingen. Tübingen is located next to the Black Forest and offers beautiful nature, good social security and a strong academic atmosphere.

Expectations for students:
1. A passion for research and an interest in the research direction of the group
2. Major in plant sciences or microbiology or bioinformatics, with experience in molecular biology or bioinformatics preferred.
3. Good English language skills (IELTS 6.5 or above or TOEFL 90 or above).
Interested students should prepare a CV and contact Prof. Kemen by email for specific topics: eric.kemen@zmbp.uni-tuebingen.de
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