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做了关于ICC生存分析的一篇文章 给了意见1) They need to detail more about the clinical, biochemical, tumor size, number of nodules, advanced or early, with or without vascular invasion, preoperative CEA and CA19-9 levels. In the literature was shown an interesting nomograms: the Wang nomogram was published in 2013 on a derivation cohort of 367 ICC patients resected at a single Asian center and the Hyder nomogram was published in 2014 from a multi-institutional cohort of 514 patients from 13 Western and Eastern centers. These nomograms are useful to validated prognosis and survival and could help the present study to confirm the results in a smaller population.2) Why they divided patients <58 or> 58 years?. BMI of these patients is important as the presence of Diabetes? Regarding others etiologies as hepatitis C, what is the frequency in these ICC cases? Did CEA , alpha feto protein and Ca19-9 levels were correlated with histologic expression?
第一个问题是让附录数据 还是让做成这两种列线图呢(已经做了生存曲线 感觉没有做这个图必要)
第二个问题 该如何回答呢 年龄分组是根据中位数取得,剩下的不知如何回答才好
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