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铜虫 (正式写手)

[交流] 海外博士后面试经历_Metamaterials at Missouri University of Sci. and Tech.已有2人参与

skype interview with prof. xiaodong yang:
1. prof. yang asked me a few questions about my research summary, especially my background in chemistry;
2. i presented my research summary;
3. we discussed the snom, 325 laser lithography and the micro-raman/pl/tcspc system;
4. prof. yang introduced his group, facilities, such as picoquant tcspc, fib, ftir, comsol/computers, lasers and spectrometers, and his relation to nano letters reviewers, such as prof. xiang zhang at uc berkeley;
5. prof. yang told me he would like me to handle the molecule chemistry in metasurface-enhanced infrared absorption;
6. i asked and prof. yang replied that his lab had fume hood for molecule chemistry and collaboration was possible upon requests;
7. prof. yang asked and i replied my expected anuual salary to be 40000 usd, and he said he needed to wait for a funding in feb. for my salary request;
8. prof. yang told me about the living cost in his town (500 usd rent) and can immediately offer me 2500 usd per month as a visiting scholar position for 2 years;
9. prof. yang asked and i replied that i was waiting for another feedback from rpi, and he compared missouri ust with rensselaer polytechnic institute;
10. prof. yang switched to chinese (普通话), and talked about the work and papers of his postdoc and visiting scholars;
11. prof. yang emphasized how to cherish my time to make full use of my strength for paper publication rather than building instruments for a new group;
12. prof. yang allowed me to think about his offer, discussed with my wife and give him a feedback in january.

end on 20 dec 2015.

in jan. 2016, i emailed to prof. yang to ask about the annuals vacation and insurance. he replied that his postdoc and visiting scholar normally did not have vacation except special cases and they paid for their own insurance. i hesitated and finally rejected his offer as visiting scholar in feb. 2016 when another offer came.

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木虫 (正式写手)


小木虫: 金币+0.5, 给个红包,谢谢回帖
2楼2020-06-20 17:35:57
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新虫 (正式写手)

小木虫: 金币+0.5, 给个红包,谢谢回帖

3楼2020-06-24 14:18:21
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铜虫 (正式写手)

3楼: Originally posted by 奋斗的小蚯蚓 at 2020-06-24 07:18:21

4楼2020-06-24 16:26:52
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新虫 (正式写手)

小木虫: 金币+0.5, 给个红包,谢谢回帖
4楼: Originally posted by hjaohuang at 2020-06-24 16:26:52


5楼2020-06-24 21:41:53
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