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[交流] 香港中文大学(深圳)诚聘【实验室工程师/高级实验室工程师】




•帮助维护和操作冷冻电子显微镜如Titan Krios及相关设备






【Preferred Qualifications】
•M.S in structural biology, biophysics, biochemistry, material science or related field, Ph.D would be a plus
•2-3 years of experience in cryo-EM including handling samples, using microscopes and evaluation of images
•Knowledge of the principles of transmission electron microscopy and 3D structure determination
•General understanding of cryo-EM workflow
•Excellent communication and interpersonal skills
•Motivated to learn new technologies and to take on new challenges
•Willing to develop/test new methods/techniques
•Excellent organizational skills and record keeping
•Special consideration will be given to candidates with a record of achievement in collaborative, team-driven environments

•Help maintain and operate cryo electron microscopes and related equipment
•Regularly benchmark and optimize microscope performance for data collection
•Participate in method developments/optimization for cryo-EM
Interact closely with/train users with different levels of experience
•Maintain record of daily operations in the facility

【Application Procedure】
Please send a full curriculum vitae and the completed Application Form (please download the template online) by email to liuzheng@cuhk.edu.cn

【Brief Introduction】
Kobilka Institute of Innovative Drug Discovery is one of the first batch of Nobel laureate labs at the University. Led by Prof. Brian K. Kobilka, the Nobel laureate in Chemistry in 2012, the Kobilka Institute of Innovative Drug Discovery (KIIDD) is a significant milestone in the University’s attempt to evolve into a world research university.

KIIDD will focus on new drug development which includes drugs receptor structural biology research, computational chemistry research, the function of the drug molecules in organic synthesis and medicinal chemistry research, receptor function the function of the drug molecule pharmacology, etc. Researchers in KIIDD are going to carry out studies about the structural biology of drug receptors through lots of modern biological techniques, such as single crystal x-ray diffraction, Nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) and electron microscopy. CAD and molecular simulations were used in the drug designs. KIIDD lay eyes on functional drug synthesis, medicinal chemistry and pharmacology, to further explore the pathways to make new drugs, as well as offering intellectual support on pharmacology for future clinical research.

The Kobilka Cryo-EM center is a fee-for-service facility operated by the KIIDD at Chinese University of Hongkong(Shenzhen) as a state-of-the-art shared resource for biomedical researchers. The Cryo-EM staff members develop and provide their knowledge and expertise to the research community at KIIDD in applying cryo-EM imaging to their research. They work closely with investigators to define optimal experimental design including strategies for preparation of samples, maintain and operate cryo-electron microscopes and ancillary equipment in order to provide high resolution images, and provide guidance and service in data management and analysis.

The successful candidate will assist facility staff with maintenance and operation of the advanced instrumentation housed in the Cryo-EM core and will work with and train users in specimen preparation. The candidate will also be responsible for record keeping associated with users, instrument logs, and routine operation of the facility. The candidate will be expected to learn new procedures as they are developed and implemented by the facility.


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