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新虫 (小有名气)

[交流] 文章被拒已有9人参与

在 ecotoxicology and environmental safety投了文章被拒后 ,编辑鼓励我再投一次。请问有和我相同情况的嘛 ,重投的时候需要写response letter 并标黄原文的吗
after careful review by the editors and experts in the field, we regret to inform you that we are unable to accept your manuscript for publication in ecotoxicology and environmental safety.

the comments of the reviewers are included below in order for you to understand the basis for our decision.  the editor has noted that the paper is not without its worth, and would like to encourage you to improve your work in accordance with the reviewers' remarks.  in the future, the paper (written anew) may be resubmitted and evaluated as a new contribution.  in this case, the revised manuscript would be considered a new submission and would be given a new manuscript number with a new date of receipt.

thank you for considering ecotoxicology and environmental safety, and we hope that you would continue to submit your work to this journal in the future.

[ last edited by 章莹_2014 on 2019-10-6 at 17:13 ]

[ last edited by 章莹_2014 on 2019-10-6 at 17:17 ]

[ last edited by 章莹_2014 on 2019-10-6 at 21:38 ]

[ Last edited by 章莹_2014 on 2019-10-6 at 21:39 ]
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新虫 (小有名气)

2楼: Originally posted by 平凡bu平凡 at 2019-10-06 13:11:16


6楼2019-10-06 14:05:47
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新虫 (小有名气)

4楼: Originally posted by 白桃凤梨酥 at 2019-10-06 13:17:14


10楼2019-10-06 20:12:21
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