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【悬赏金币】回答本帖问题,作者lxzlxz将赠送您 4 个金币


新虫 (小有名气)


Your paper DOES not meet the formatting requirements of the journal
references are not in the ACS format needed for the journal
also keywords should be individual words and not lumped together

you have to choose references from multiple databases to be fair to all authors and all publishers
more than 15% of the references are from science direct citing only elsevier journals
we like to be fair to all authors including you if your article were eventually published in mamp
without that we cannot consider this publication for technical review
kindly change the title of your paper to reflect materials processing issues and not properties.

please see attached and attend to each line carefully as otherwise it will not be moved to technical review and will be REJECTED
Please look at a paper that was published in 2018 from the journal website to understand the requirements correctly
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银虫 (正式写手)


you have to choose references from multiple databases to be fair to all authors and all publishers
more than 15% of the references are from science direct citing only elsevier journals
we like to be fair to all authors including you if your article were eventually published in mamp
without that we cannot consider this publication for technical review

这段话到底是让超过15% 还是不让超过15%,那个虫子来回答一下啊
8楼2018-12-04 10:05:59
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不应助 确定回帖应助 (注意:应助才可能被奖励,但不允许灌水,必须填写15个字符以上)
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