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[求助] 论文投稿编辑要求添加一个新的结果复述('replication of results')的章节已有1人参与

求问大神们,Springer期刊投稿,编辑隔天就给拒了回来,说要添加一个新的结果复述的模块后重新提交,具体如下:Your paper does not have the new mandatory section 'replication of results',We assume that it is in the interest of authors to make it easier for readers to replicate results presented in the paper. However, as it is a new requirement, papers will not be rejected on the basis of the quality of this section.
Mandatory section:
Replication of results: It is desirable that papers, especially on new methodology, should help readers reproduce results presented in the paper. This can be done in a variety of ways, including making data or codes available as supplementary material. It is recognized that this is not always possible, but in that case the paper should explain why it is not possible. Therefore, submitted papers are required to have a section titled Replication of results that will address this topic. This section should appear just before the References section. If no results are presented in the paper. The section should have the following sentence: No results are presented.
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2楼: Originally posted by snailincage at 2018-10-12 17:11:41
484  smo?


4楼2020-12-23 21:51:45
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