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【悬赏金币】回答本帖问题,作者孤星将赠送您 10 个金币


新虫 (正式写手)

[求助] 老师们帮忙看看是什么意思?已有3人参与

第一次投稿,英语水平有限,请各位老师,前辈帮忙看一下这个是什么意思?最开始好像写了不能在EMC 发表,后面又好像说改过后可以考虑发表,也要求返回三个修改文件,不知到底是什么情况?修改提交后接受机会大吗?最主要“Therefore, the paper cannot be published in Energy Conversion and Management as it is presented.”这句话怎么理解?
Thank you for sending the manuscript/revised manuscript, ",,,,,,,,,,,,,,," to Energy Conversion and Management for publication.  I apologize for the lengthy period of review. The review is now complete, and unfortunately, it is not completely favorable. Therefore, the paper cannot be published in Energy Conversion and Management as it is presented. I have consolidated the review comments below in the hope that they   will be helpful to you in modifying the paper.

I hope these comments will be helpful to you. My sense of the reviewers' comments is that there is a very good basis on which I can recommend that this paper be modified in a responsive manner to the comments above.

In the revision process we would like to request you return three files:

If the modification is done carefully and completely, upon re-submission and evaluation, I think you can be confident that the paper will be accepted for publication in Energy Conversion and Management. Thank you again for sending this paper to Energy Conversion and Management for consideration.

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