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木虫 (小有名气)

[交流] 美国西弗吉尼亚大学招收全奖博士

Prof. Peng Li’s micro-nano system laboratory at The C. Eugene Bennett Department of Chemistry at West Virginia University invites applications for full scholarship Ph.D students. Successful candidates will expect to receive training on multiple disciplinary including analytical chemistry, cell biology, microfluidics, and engineering design and testing, and be prepared towards a diverse career paths including academia, diagnostic industry, mass  spectrometry analysis, biomedical instrument industry, micro/nano fabrication industry. The candidates will be responsible of conducting research on developing novel analytical methods through implementing innovative acoustic, electronic, and material science principles for biomedical research and clinical applications. More information can be found at:   


WVU is a major research institution and West Virginia's flagship university located within 1 hour of Pittsburgh and 3.5 hours of the Washington/Baltimore area. It has been listed as R1 Research Universities (Highest research activity) in the Carnegie Classification of Institutions of Higher Education. Morgantown is also recognized as one of the most livable small cities in the U.S. by Forbes magazine. There are extensive recreational opportunities, affordable housing, and a supportive environment for a comfortable life outside of work and study.

The Ph.D. applicants should have a bachelor or master’s degree from physical science (chemistry, physics, …etc.) or engineering majors. Interested applicants can send their CV/resume to peng.li@mail.wvu.edu  Positions are open until filled.

Applicants are also welcomed to contact with me first, I am a Ph.D student from this lab and glad to provide the information about the lab and university, my email address: lic52900@gmail.com

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木虫 (正式写手)

LiChong019(金币+1): 谢谢参与
47楼2018-04-15 19:14:50
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