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禁虫 (文学泰斗)

[资源] 【英美最新书籍】《Elements Old and New》【已搜索,无重复】

【英美最新书籍】《Elements Old and New_discoveries, developments, challenges, and environmental implications》【已搜索,无重复】

作者: Mark A. Benvenuto, Tracy Williamson
出版社:American Chemical Society
Language: English
页码:225 页
文件大小:13.4 MB
The discovery of some of the chemical elements, along with a short history of chemistry.
The Periodic Table of the Elements remains a living, growing document that attempts to map out all of the most primal matter known to humankind.
Interestingly, Mendeleev’s statement, above, is as important today as it was when he penned it over a century ago, certainly when applied to the periodic table. Accordingly, we felt a volume from this symposium would help preserve our knowledge and understanding of the Periodic Table of the Elements as it exists at this moment in time, a moment in which the seventh row of the table had just been completed in terms of verified syntheses of the super heavy elements, and a point in time at which IUPAC had proposed names for them. While all the seminar speakers at the symposium were not able to convert their material into chapters, we are flattered and honored to have excellent chapters in this volume.


.【英美最新书籍】《Elements Old and New》【已搜索,无重复】

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