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银虫 (正式写手)

[求助] 期刊拒绝修改后重投已有1人参与

Your study yielded important results that are highly relevant for the management of groundwater resources in the area, but the manuscript does not contain sufficient novel elements to warrant publication in **. No new methods were applied, and nor were there outcomes that have a broader implications for our international audience. Without these elements, I can unfortunately not consider your manuscript for further review. I believe, however, that the work is of real value, so I respectfully suggest that you submit it to a more-appropriate journal.
According to ** policy, this decision means that you may not resubmit this manuscript to HJ in any form, even after making revisions, and you should not submit this or a revised version to HJ at a later time as a new manuscript.

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荣誉版主 (文坛精英)



感谢参与,应助指数 +1
hh_3629110(liouzhan654代发): 金币+1, 感谢交流 2017-11-24 09:11:52
Your study yielded important results that are highly relevant for the management of groundwater resources in the area, but the manuscript does not contain sufficient novel elements to warrant publication in **. No new methods were applied, and nor were there outcomes that have a broader implications for our international audience. Without these elements, I can unfortunately not consider your manuscript for further review. I believe, however, that the work is of real value, so I respectfully suggest that you submit it to a more-appropriate journal.
According to ** policy, this decision means that you may not resubmit this manuscript to HJ in any form, even after making revisions, and you should not submit this or a revised version to HJ at a later time as a new manuscript.

9楼2017-11-23 16:50:46
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新虫 (小有名气)


2楼2017-11-23 14:54:55
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银虫 (正式写手)

2楼: Originally posted by fengjx123 at 2017-11-23 14:54:55

3楼2017-11-23 15:16:54
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新虫 (小有名气)

sesame_oil: 金币+1, 鼓励交流 2017-11-23 16:47:42

4楼2017-11-23 15:18:43
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