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铁杆木虫 (著名写手)

[交流] 美国北德州大学(University of North Texas) 博士招生(全奖)

博士全额研究类奖学金(Research Assistantship)名额。2018年春季学期。根据本科或研究生背景,可申请机械工程(Mechanical Engineering)、电子工程(Electrical Engineering)或者生物医学工程(Biomedical Engineering)作为博士学位专业。研究领域为微纳米机电系统、生物微纳米系统、生物传感器、生物芯片。同时与医学院研究人员合作,开展细胞转染、基因检测和在体基因编辑等研究工作。

1.        本科或硕士毕业于电子、机械、生物医学工程、或材料工程相关专业
2.        有超净间微纳米加工经验的申请者优先考虑、从事MEMS \ Lab Chip芯片设计、制备、表征。
3.        有基本细胞实验经验的优先考虑,从事离体细胞培养、在体细胞实验、荧光显微镜操作、生物统计实验等相关研究。
4.        对科学研究有浓厚兴趣,勤奋。具有基本的科学研究逻辑、操作水平和写作能力。


雅思:6.5+,托福IBT:79+;Paper-Based: 550;GRE 需要成绩但无最低分要求;

联系方式:  lingqian.chang@unt.edu(Email and attached C.V. in English)

常凌乾,2008年在大连理工大学电子工程系获得学士学位;2011年在中科院传感技术国家重点实验室获得硕士学位;2016年7月在美国俄亥俄州立大学(Ohio State University)生物医学工程系获得博士学位。2016年9月至2017年6月在美国西北大学(Northwestern University)机械工程系任研究员。 2017年8月起任美国北德州大学(University of North Texas)生物医学工程系助理教授。研究领域主要包括生物微机电系统、生物芯片。在Nature Nanotechnology, Nano Letters, Small, Lab Chip等学术期刊上发表论文40余篇。担任SCI期刊Computer in Biology and Medicine编委和European Journal of Biomedical Research副主编。

美国北德州大学University of North Texas

PhD student Position at University of North Texas
(Research key words: Micro-/nano-fabrication, BioMEMS, Lab on Chip, Biosensors)

Two PhD research assistant positions is available at University of North Texas, from September 2017, with Dr. Lingqian Chang.

Our lab research domain includes Micro-/Nano-fabrication, MEMS, BioMEMS. We aim to design and develop advanced micro-/nano-chips, devices, sensors with their applications in biomedical engineering, cell biology and healthcare. The current interests are focused on advanced Micro-/Nano-Electroporation Devices and Micro-/Nano-sensors with the application in cancer detection, gene delivery and protein sampling, geared towards low-cost, multi-functionality, high-throughput and ultimately commercialized products. Another aim is to leverage novel micro-/nano-fabrication technologies, transitioning from conventional capabilities (e.g. clean-room nanofabrication) to novel possibilities (e.g. 3D printing, polymer synthesis, stretchable electronics). Candidates with background in (1) Electrical Engineering / Mechanical Engineering, especially experienced on cleanroom fabrication, e.g. photolithography, reactive ion etching, chemical deposition; or (2) Biomedical Engineering / Biology, with training on cell culture and analysis (e.g. PCR, Confocal microscope) will be considered as priority. Interested individuals should contact Dr. Chang (changlingqian1986@gmail.com) with C.V. attached. Students can apply Biomedical Engineering, Mechanical Engineering and Electrical Engineering, as their majors while working with Dr. Chang.

Dr. Lingqian Chang joined the Department of Biomedical Engineering at University of North Texas as an assistant professor in Aug 2017. He obtained a PhD degree of Biomedical Engineering at Ohio State University in 08/2016, and worked at Mechanical Engineering, Northwestern University from 09/2016 to 06/2017. Prior to study in US, he obtained B.S. from Electrical Engineering at Dalian University of Technology in 2008 and M.S. from Institute of Electronics, Chinese Academy of Sciences in 2011.

He has published more than 40 papers on peer-reviewed journals, including Nature Nanotechnology, Nano Letters, Small, Lab Chip, Carbon, etc. He is also the associated editor of European Journal of Biomedical Research and editors of Computer in Biology and Medicine.
For more information about his research and publications, please visit:
https://scholar.google.com/citat ... AAAAJ&hl=en

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