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金虫 (著名写手)

[求助] 郁闷,一审后接受发表,二审居然拒稿,请问该如何处理?已有10人参与

投Archives of Gynecology and Obstetrics(IF=1.65),一审用了2个多月,结果是小修后,Based on the advice received, the Editors have decided that your manuscript can be accepted for publication after you have carried out the corrections as suggested by the reviewer(s).
二审用了1个月,With regret, I must inform you that, based on the advice received, the Editors have decided that your manuscript cannot be accepted for publication in Archives of Gynecology and Obstetrics.

一审的审稿人意见:Reviewer #1: Dear Author,
thank you for submitting the manuscript: `。。。。` to the journal `Archives of Gynecology and Obstetrics`. It was very interesting. Unfortunately, there are a few aspects I need to comment:
- many shortcuts make the manuscript confusing
- what is the clinical consequence?
- the tables and figures are not in a good quality and they are confusing
- please don`t write the name of a medication (Gonal-F) in the paper!
Thank you very much for your paper, if you revise the paper and go over the  mentioned points again the paper could be reviewed again.

二审的审稿人意见:thank you for resubmitting your revised manuscript.
After extensive reevaluation and discussion with experienced colleagues in the field we cannot recommend the manuscript for pubilcation as the very high standards of the journal are not met.
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金虫 (著名写手)

2楼: Originally posted by lianwei666 at 2016-08-28 21:11:06

- many shortcuts make the manuscript confusing
- what is the clinical consequence?
- the tables and figures are not in a good quality and they are confusing
- please don`t write the name of a medication (Gonal-F) in the paper!
4楼2016-08-28 21:14:24
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新虫 (正式写手)


2楼2016-08-28 21:11:06
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新虫 (正式写手)

jiangxl(liouzhan654代发): 金币+1, 感谢交流 2016-08-28 22:48:02

3楼2016-08-28 21:13:13
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新虫 (正式写手)

这个就不得而知了  确实也不是很难回答  有可能文章还有其他问题  审稿人没指出来

5楼2016-08-28 21:21:45
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