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新虫 (小有名气)

[交流] 稿件被退,大家遇到过这种情况吗?已有7人参与

投了一个aerospace medicine and human performance,两个多月后给了下述意见,大家遇到过类似情况吗。。。。。

Thank you for submitting your manuscript, "Lateral accelerations' influences on blood pressure gradients and flow distributions at aortic arch," to Aerospace Medicine and Human Performance. We are always interested in new material. However, after trying to recruit eleven reviewers for the manuscript, it is my opinion as editor, that the submitted material would be of interest to only a small percentage of our readers and would not attract the level of interest which you are seeking.

We are therefore declining to review your manuscript and will withdraw it from our on-line system. By doing so at this early stage, we hope to save you time and effort. You will likely wish to submit your paper to another, more appropriate journal.

I wish you success in your endeavors and hope that we may work together on future publications.

Should you have questions about the suitability of future submissions, I would be happy to provide a preliminary screening based on a title page and abstract submitted to our editorial office by e-mail.
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新虫 (初入文坛)

小木虫: 金币+0.5, 给个红包,谢谢回帖
7楼2016-02-01 23:35:39
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