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[交流] PhD opportunity in functional oxides @ the University of Manchester (full award)

PhD opportunity in functional oxides @ the University of Manchester

Dr. Liang Qiao’s group at School of Materials, the University of Manchester, is currently recruiting talented Chinese graduate student to pursue PhD research program in advanced functional ceramics. The current available research topics are:

1.        Functional 2D &3D ceramics-graphene hybrid complex: This project focuses on introducing graphene to the classic metal oxide systems in order to develop 2D &3D functional ceramic-graphene complexes. We have recently developed an unique technique to integrate the 2D graphene sheets into a 3D graphene aerogel with different microstructures and morphologies. This is expected to significantly enhance the internal coupling between graphene and oxide to suit this nanostructured ceramic-graphene complex for solar and thermal energy applications.

2.        Functional complex oxide thin-films and heterostructures: please refer this website for detail information: (http://www.jobs.ac.uk/job/AKS244/phd-studentship-designing-novel-nanostructures-in-thin-film-functional-oxides/)
The group at Manchester has strong national and international collaborations with Imperial College London, University of Cambridge, Oak Ridge National Laboratory and University of New South Wales for experimental and theoretical support. This project will enable you the access to the state-of-art material synthesis, processing and characterization facilities in University of Manchester’s Materials Science Center, including physical and chemical vapor/solution synthesis, subangstrom-resolution electron microscopy, x-ray diffraction & photoemission, electronic, magnetic and thermal transport measurement systems. You will also have the opportunity to access the world-leading synchrotron facilities in Diamond Light Source and Advanced Photon Source.

There are two opportunities:
1.        President's Doctoral Scholar Award. This competitive funding opportunity targets at top BS/MS students (5%) at top Chinese Universities in the background of materials science, physics, or chemistry with preferably good publication track records at decent SCI indexed journals. Direct research experience on functional oxides, thin-film epitaxy, and graphene electronics would be highly appreciated. The award will cover the full tuition fee with £14,000 stipend for 3 three years plus £1,000 RTSG for three years. The deadline of this application is 22nd of April.

2.        Other funding opportunities will also be possible for highly motivated student to join Manchester Materials Science Center for PhD research.
Please contact to Dr. Liang Qiao (liang.qiao@manchester.ac.uk) to discuss these opportunities. Please include electronic copies of your CV, research interests, reference letters, list of journal publication (in SCI and Chinese journals), undergraduate and postgraduate academic transcripts (including grades).

Dr. Liang Qiao

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