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至尊木虫 (知名作家)

[资源] 2015英文新著:导体、半导体及超导体的固体物理学简介

Conductors, Semiconductors, Superconductors: An Introduction to Solid State Physics
Series: Undergraduate Lecture Notes in Physics
Huebener, Rudolf P.
Original German edition published by Spektrum Verlag, 2013
2015, XIII, 215 p. 110 illus., 22 illus. in color.

In the second half of the last century solid state physics and materials science experienced a great advance and established itself as an important and independent new field.
This book provides an introduction to the fundamentals of solid state physics, including a description of the key people in the field and the historic context. The book concentrates on the electric and magnetic properties of materials. It is written for students up to the bachelor in the fields of physics, materials science, and electric engineering. Because of its vivid explanations and its didactic approach, it can also serve as a motivating pre-stage and supporting companion in the study of the established and more detailed textbooks of solid state physics. The book is suitable for a quick repetition prior to examinations.
For his scientific accomplishments, in 1992 the author received the Max-Planck Research Price and in 2001 the Cryogenics Price. He studied physics and mathematics at the University of Marburg, as well at the Technical Universities of Munich and Darmstadt. In 1958 he obtained his PhD in experimental physics at the University of Marburg. After working at the Research Center Karlsruhe and at a research institute near Albany, New York, he worked for 12 years at the Argonne National Laboratory near Chicago, Illinois. In 1974 he accepted an appointment at a chair of Experimental Physics at the University of Tübingen. There he taught and performed research until his retirement in 1999.
Table of contents :

Front Matter....Pages i-xiii
Spectacular Advances....Pages 1-12
Well Ordered Lattice Structures in Crystals....Pages 13-30
Permanent Movement in the Crystal Lattice....Pages 31-42
Electric Conductor or Insulator?—Energy Bands....Pages 43-49
Metals Obey the Rules of Quantum Statistics....Pages 51-63
Less Can Be More: Semiconductors....Pages 65-85
Circling Electrons in High Magnetic Fields....Pages 87-104
The Winner: Superconductors....Pages 105-130
The Big Surprise: High-Temperature Superconductivity....Pages 131-144
Magnetism: Order Among the Elementary Magnets....Pages 145-161
Nanostructures: Superlattices, Quantum Wires, and Quantum Dots....Pages 163-183
Defects in the Crystal Lattice: Useful or Harmful?....Pages 185-198
Back Matter....Pages 199-215

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木虫 (著名写手)

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