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至尊木虫 (知名作家)

[资源] 晶体结构中的对称关系Symmetry Relationships between Crystal Structures

Symmetry Relationships between Crystal Structures: Applications of Crystallographic Group Theory in Crystal Chemistry
晶体结构中的对称关系Symmetry Relationships between Crystal Structures
Product Description
Structural crystallographers in biology, chemistry and physics meet symmetry and sometimes relatively complicated cases. More can be made of symmetry relations too. This book takes the reader beyond structure. The book shows how to make use of the symmetry relations described in International Tables as well as understand e.g. crystal structure types, analyse phase transitions, domain formation and twinning in crystals as well as to avoid errors in crystal structure determinations such as choice of incorrect space group. Numerous chapter exercises are a distinctive feature and offer the possibility to apply the material that has been learnt; solutions to the exercises are at the end of the book. John R. Helliwell, School of Chemistry, The University of Manchester
Ulrich Muller was born in Colombia in 1940. He studied chemistry in Germany. His Ph.D. work (1964 - 1966) was performed in Inorganic Chemistry, partly at the University of Stuttgart, Germany, partly at Purdue University, Indiana, USA. After post-doctoral work at the University of Karlsruhe, Germany, he was appointed as professor of Inorganic Chemistry at the University of Marburg, Gemany, in 1972. From 1992 to 1999 he was professor of solid state chemistry at the University of Kassel, Germany, and then returned to the University of Marburg. He is now retired since 2005. He is the author of several textbooks in chemistry for beginners and advanced students.
1. Introduction ; PART I: CRYSTALLOGRAPHIC FOUNDATIONS ; 2. Basics of crystallography, part 1 ; 3. Mappings ; 4. Basics of crystallography, part 2 ; 5. Group theory ; 6. Basics of crystallography, part 3 ; 7. Subgroups and supergroups of point and space groups ; 8. Conjugate subgroups, normalizers and equivalent descriptions of crystal structures ; 9. How to handle space groups ; PART II: SYMMETRY RELATIONS BETWEEN SPACE GROUPS AS A TOOL TO DISCLOSE CONNECTIONS BETWEEN CRYSTAL STRUCTURES ; 10. The group-theoretical presentation of crystal-chemical relationships ; 11. Symmetry relations between between related crystal structures ; 12. Pitfalls when setting up group-subgroup relations ; 13. Derivation of crystal structures from closest packings of spheres ; 14. Crystal structures of molecular compounds ; 15. Symmetry relations at phase transitions ; 16. Topotactic reactions ; 17. Group-subgroup relations as an aid for structure determination ; 18. Prediction of possible structure types ; 19. Historical remarks ; Appendix A: Isomorphic subgroups ; Appendix B: On the theory of phase transitions ; Appendix C: Symmetry species ; Appendix D: Solutions to the exercises ; References ; Glossary ; Index

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