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至尊木虫 (知名作家)

[资源] 1072页价值3650元的英文新著:核腐蚀科学与工程

Nuclear corrosion science and engineering
出版社: Woodhead Publishing; 1 (2012年3月6日)
丛书名: Woodhead Publishing Series in Energy
精装: 1072页
语种: 英语
ISBN: 1845697650
条形码: 9781845697655
Corrosion of nuclear materials (the interaction between these materials and their environments) is a major issue for plant safety as well as for operation and economic competitiveness. Understanding these corrosion mechanisms, the systems and materials they affect, and the methods to accurately measure their incidence is of critical importance to the nuclear industry. Combining assessment techniques and analytical models into this understanding allows operators to predict the service life of corrosion-affected nuclear plant materials, and to apply the most appropriate maintenance and mitigation options to ensure safe long term operation.This book critically reviews the fundamental corrosion mechanisms that affect nuclear power plants and facilities. Initial sections introduce the complex field of nuclear corrosion science, with detailed chapters on the different types of both aqueous and non-aqueous corrosion mechanisms and the nuclear materials susceptible to attack from them. This is complemented by part four, which focuses on monitoring and control methodologies, as well as modeling and lifetime prediction approaches. Given that corrosion is an applied science, the final groups explore corrosion issues across the range of current and next-generation nuclear reactors, and across such nuclear applications as fuel reprocessing facilities, radioactive waste storage and geological disposal systems.
The reliability of nuclear power depends mostly on the unblemished integrity of its construction materials over the long term; here, their corrosion by several modes of degradation, especially stress corrosion cracking, continues to threaten reliable performance. Such fragility will continue into the future for new plants. This book considers all of the important nuclear corrosion issues and will be a great asset to operators, designers, and researchers., Roger W. Staehle, NAE, Staehle Consulting, USA
This book covers the range of nuclear reactors and provides comprehensive and systematic information on the relevant nuclear corrosion mechanisms, science and engineering., Professor Tetsuo Shoji, Long-term Materials Reliability Laboratory, Fracture and Reliability Research Institute, Tohoku University, Japan
Damien Féron, CEA Saclay, France.
Part 1 Introduction to corrosion in nuclear power applications: Overview of corrosion engineering, science and technology; Overview of nuclear materials and nuclear corrosion science and engineering; Understanding and mitigating corrosion in nuclear reactor systems. Part 2 Aqueous corrosion in nuclear power applications: Fundamental science, materials and mechanisms: General corrosion in nuclear reactor components and nuclear waste disposal systems; Environmentally assisted cracking (EAC) in nuclear reactor systems and components; Irradiation assisted corrosion and stress corrosion cracking (IAC/IASCC) in nuclear reactor systems and components; Flow assisted corrosion (FAC) in nuclear power plant components; Microbiologically influenced corrosion (MIC) in nuclear power plant systems and components. Part 3 Non-aqueous corrosion in nuclear power applications: Fundamental science, materials and mechanisms: High-temperature oxidation in nuclear reactor systems; Liquid metal corrosion in nuclear reactor and accelerator driven systems. Part 4 Corrosion monitoring and control in nuclear power applications: Electrochemical techniques for monitoring and controlling corrosion in water-cooled nuclear reactor systems; On line electrochemical monitoring in light water nuclear reactor (LWR) systems; Modelling corrosion in nuclear power plant systems; Lifetime prediction techniques for nuclear power plant systems. Part 5 Corrosion issues in current nuclear reactors and applications: Corrosion issues in pressurised water reactor (PWR) systems; Intergranular stress corrosion cracking (IGSCC) in boiling water reactors; Corrosion issues in pressurised heavy water reactor (PHWR/CANDU) systems; Corrosion issues in water-cooled water-moderated nuclear reactor (WWER) systems; Corrosion issues in nuclear fuel reprocessing plants. Part 6 Corrosion issues in next generation nuclear reactors and advanced applications: Corrosion issues in high temperature gas cooled reactor (HTR) systems; Corrosion issues in sodium-cooled fast reactor (SFR) systems; Corrosion issues in lead-cooled fast reactor (LFR) and accelerator driven systems (ADS); Corrosion issues in molten salt reactor (MSR) systems; Corrosion issues in super-critical water reactor (SCWR) systems; Corrosion issues in thermonuclear fusion reactors and facilities (ITER/IFMIF); Corrosion issues of radioactive waste packages in geological disposal systems.

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  • 附件 1 : Nuclear_corrosion_science_and_engineering.pdf
  • 2014-12-03 15:14:12, 32.2 M

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