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至尊木虫 (知名作家)

[资源] 金属及其合金中的裂纹扩展:微观组织分析及模拟(英文版)

Fatigue Crack Propagation in Metals and Alloys: Microstructural Aspects and Modelling Concepts
This comprehensive overview of the whole field of fatigue and fracture of metallic materials covers both the theoretical background and some of the latest experimental techniques. It provides a summary of the complex interactions between material microstructure and cracks, classifying them with respect to the overall damage process with a focus on microstructurally short cracks and dynamic embrittlement. It furthermore introduces new concepts for the numerical treatment of fatigue microcrack propagation and their implementation in fatigue-life prediction models.This comprehensive overview of the whole field of fatigue and fracture of metallic materials covers both the theoretical background and the latest experimental techniques. It provides a summary of the complex interactions between material microstructure and cracks, classifying them with respect to the overall damage process. It furthermore introduces new concepts for the numerical treatment of fatigue microcrack propagation and their implementation in fatigue-life prediction models.Content:
Chapter 1 Introduction (pages 1–2):
Chapter 2 Basic Concepts of Metal Fatigue and Fracture in the Engineering Design Process (pages 3–37):
Chapter 3 Experimental Approaches to Crack Propagation (pages 39–74):
Chapter 4 Physical Metallurgy of the Deformation Behavior of Metals and Alloys (pages 75–98):
Chapter 5 Initiation of Microcracks (pages 99–133):
Chapter 6 Crack Propagation: Microstructural Aspects (pages 135–206):
Chapter 7 Modeling Crack Propagation Accounting for Microstructural Features (pages 207–249):
Chapter 8 Concluding Remarks (pages 251–253):

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29楼: Originally posted by mdr_lon at 2014-12-01 10:51:05

79楼2014-12-25 10:43:29
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