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[资源] Commercializing Micro-Nanotechnology Products

By David Tolfree, Mark J. Jackson

Publisher: CRC
Number Of Pages: 288
Publication Date: 2007-11-19
ISBN-10 / ASIN: 0849383153
ISBN-13 / EAN: 9780849383151
Binding: Hardcover

Micro-nanotechnologies (MNT) are already making a profound impact on our daily lives. New applications are well underway in the US, Asia, and Europe. However, their potentially disruptive nature, along with the public’s concerns, has produced a number of challenges. Commercializing Micro-Nanotechnology Products provides a snapshot of the current market situation and details the need for MNT development. It outlines the problems facing today’s businesses and discusses the processes for commercialization, road mapping, technology transfer analysis, and entrepreneurial development.

The book begins by detailing the steps required to turn an idea into a marketable product. The editors give examples of previously successful products and relate to their own experiences in development. Next, the text focuses on the importance of entrepreneurship and the required steps to finance and develop a marketing strategy. It contains various definitions of nanotechnology and how each relates to roadmap and production issues. Three detailed case studies from the leading MNT development and manufacturing companies describe how each venture started and progressed to become a market leader. These studies offer valuable insight into overcoming the challenges related to achieving financial backing and specifying the right product for development.

This reference provides the only insightful appraisal of the current status of micro-nanotechnology products. It describes a concise process for product commercialization, from market research to end product realization. Commercializing Micro-Nanotechnologies provides a clear strategy for choosing the right product to development and overcoming challenges in the growing global market.

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